
What do guys do at sleep overs??????????

by Guest56888  |  earlier

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JW wut do guys do at sleep overs cuz like ever girl in the world wants to know so guys you should answer.




  1. There is no such thing as a guy sleepover.  At least not for heterosexual males.

    Sometimes guys crash at each others places, due to unemployment, drunkenness, etc...

    But heterosexual males do not plan sleepovers.

  2. the only sleepovers i had with a guy in the past ten years involved them sleeping off a drunk in their room with their wives while i slept mine off on the couch

  3. We watch football and drink too much beer.  Then we have to spend the night.  

  4. go crazy

  5. i dont think guys have sleep seems kind of....g*y either that or you know they will do some crazy S**t like stick a carrot up someone's @ss.

  6. I agree with "what?" Guys dont have sleepovers because that stuff is kinda g*y. We may hang out at a dudes house late at night and do a number of things though. Play tv.........and some of them may or may not fall asleep there.

  7. y is this in football??  

  8. we play house. you should try it sometimes.

    I don't see the relevance to football with your question however.

  9. Get some hookers and have an orgy

  10. play video games,watch movies, go outside and do something silly, and prank call people.. lol that's what my friends and i did... we also talked about girls and stuff

  11. Guys usually just stay up all night and watch scary movies. Eat snacks. That's what all guys do at sleepovers. Sometimes i have sleepovers with girls and boys. Basically we just talk.  

  12. we do basically the polar opposites of what you do.

  13. light farts

  14. I would answer, but you POSTED THIS IN THE WRONG SECTION.

  15. uh, guys call it camping and it usually consists of beer, beef, farts, and talk of football, baseball, fishing, and more beer which leads to more farts in the morning.

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