
What do guys like as gifts?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so im not like 100% sure what i should get my boyfriend for our one year anniversary, i was thinking a silver ring, and inthe inside of it it said i love you --/--/-- <---- (the date we started going out). But i don't know, so please tell me your opinion on that and if you have any other ideas of what i could get him?






  1. The ring sounds cute

  2. aw man, im in the same situation.

    lol email me, maybe we can brainstorm.  

  3. cool looking watch with love  

  4. I&#039;d personally be happy with a kiss and a classic &quot;I love you&quot;. Though I&#039;m not a very materialistic kind of guy. Depending on your age, you could take things further. Guys always enjoy that ;-)

  5. Give him whats in your buget.It&#039;s the thought thats count and maybe your buget is huge so do you.

  6. Let him have butt-s*x with you

  7. I personally think that the guy would be kinda creeped out if you guys are teenagers.  I think it would be kinda like too strong of a commitment.  If you are adults though it sounds sweet.

    I was wondering what to get my boyfriend too.  

  8. If he likes to play poker go to this website and buy him a dealer button or a card can get engravings on them...they can say anything you want.  I bought a dealer button AND card protector for my husband for our 25th anniversary and he just loved them.

  9. The ring would be great! He would love it because it was YOUR idea. And he loves YOU.

  10. if he loves you he will like any gift :)  

  11. i like that idea but make sure he likes to wear stuff like that. (some guys aren&#039;t big on any kind of jewelry. My husband only wears his wedding band and that&#039;s it) but if he likes jewelry then i think that is a great idea!!

    Good Luck

  12. That would be cute or maybe get him a nice watch with the date ya&#039;ll started going out on the back.. but when my bf got me a ring his parents were all like &quot;whoaa thats a big step&quot; because he has gotton me jewelry before but not a ring and that like represents marriage..

  13. XBOX 360!!!!!!

  14. For your first anniversary that seems a little ostentatious.  

    My husband and I never celebrated our anniversary when we were dating but if we did I probably would have used the same criteria I use for his birthdays:



    Video Games


    Buy each other fun stuff.  Rings are for married people.

  15. whatever

  16. If he likes rings, that would be fine. I got mine a really nice cologne, boxers, and made him a really nice dinner.

  17. bj

  18. Guys like gadgets &amp; electronics.  You can never go wrong if you go that route.  Most of them are not as into the sentimental stuff as we women are, but if you think he&#039;d like a ring, then go for it.

  19. Well most guys don&#039;t care. But I&#039;m sure that whatever you give him, from the bottom of your heart, he will treasure it forever.  

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