
...What do guys like before the real deal?...?

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Do you guys like foreplay and what kind?

What do you like you girl/future girl to do?

It's hard reading what you guys want sometimes, so

hopefully this will help a bit. And do you like kissing in public, kissing or french kissing, where is your limit for public affection in club, in a public place, on the beach?





  1. Every guy likes some amount of foreplay.It can be heavy kissing and petting and go to oral s*x and then to the real deal as you put it.A lot of the foreplay depends on where you are and truthfully how much time you have.I like kissing in public but try not to get carried away with it.In a club it can be a little more open with some dirty dancing and just getting into the mood for later on.On the beach it can be a little more exciting and you can play around in the water together in all kinds of ways because if you go deep enough in the water no one except the two of you know what you're doing.

  2. Grow up will ya. I'm so sick and tired of you stupid little teenagers out there acting like your this big s*x thing. Grow up. if you want to act like a grown up then be one. Can't you find better questions to ask?? I have some advice for ya. STOP SPREADING YOUR LEGS!!!!!!!!

  3. hmm im a guy but this is a bit of a toughie...well ill say be kind and nice and do whatever you can to help him and he should do the same for you, as for kissing im no specialist but you shouldn't worry what other people think and just follow your heart (im not g*y lol), a womans intuition is the best kind don't forget that!

  4.   That really depends on the guy. But hand jobs and blow jobs are always a bonus. We enjoy it when you take care of us as well. Kissing is nice. But when you make it french now and then its a nice surprise :). In a club the limit varies. Personally kising is prob the limit but a hand job would proberbly be ok its kinda embarrasing in public though.

      Talk to your guy about it :). He proberbly has his own ideas.

  5. The best thing to do is to ask your guy and tell him what he likes and what he dislike.  

  6. It really depends on the guy, if you're comfortable enough talk about it with him

  7. I like for my nostrils to make physical contact with the epidermis surrounding her mammary glands. That would be awesome. I also would like my hands to make physical contact with the gluteus maximus.

    I'm not good with PDA. A smooch is as far as I'll go. I'm not an exhibitionist, unless it's on camera for our eyes only.

  8. We like anything we can get.


  9. I asked a guy and he said blow jobs, and he likes kissing in places like parks, train station basically any where that is not really professionally.

  10. as far as kissing in public...a simple kiss is fine, but for me, i don't like putting on shows for people.

    foreplay, for me, is the essential ingredient for being sensual....the act of making love is the "final act"...but it's not right, without the proper build up to it.

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