
What do guys look for in a girl? i was wondering what guys really look for in a girl?

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i was wondering what guys really look for in a girl?




  1. depends on the guy

  2. Looks, personality, sense of humor and intelligence, it's shallow, but it takes looks and two of the other choices for me to be interested in the slightest. Someone who shares hobbies with me is also a huge plus, like music, tv shows, and it doesn't happen very often but I have a few friends that have gf's that will play video games w/ them, also I love it when a girl is artistic!

    ^That's just a short list though, it gets more involved than that most of the time.

  3. I want a girl to be loyal, trustworthy, fun to talk to, someone who understands you, and is really hot!

  4. Many men have different tastes. When I speak with other guys, they constantly talk about other females, oggling their **** and ***. For me personally, its a nice thing to have, but not a necessity. Physically speaking, I like skin tone and complexion, and I'm all about legs and soft hands. Weird I know, but I've heard of even more unusual fetishes.

    Emotionally, guys HATE when girls talk. My friends always say they wish they could just marry a hot mute because women like to talk and find very small problems and details with men. When a guy comes home from work, they're tired and just want to sit down and relax and enjoy a nice meal, and FORGET about work, not restate every single bit of it that just happened. It's like just finishing a marathon and having reporters bombard you with questions about how did it feel, or when it started hurting, or how often water breaks occurred. We're tired, bad time to ask. Personally speaking though again, I must have a woman with charm and one who smiles a lot. It brings out a sense that they're happy to see you or happy to be with you. A great bonus is for them to be funny too. If they can make me laugh, good chance I'm gonna like em.

  5. depends what kinda guy you're looking for.  

    If you're looking for a hookup or a casual boyfriend.  They want a girl that knows how to be s**y and hot.  She doesn't have to be pretty or beautiful, just know how to make a guy want her.  Have a fun/playful/teasing attitude, give seductive looks, talk a little s**y/dirty, and knows how to dress to accentuate her figure.  Guys basically aren't looking for something overly difficult to try for.  The connection only has to be halfway made for 1 evening.

    If you're looking for a boyfriend, we like girls that know how to be fun/playful and have that same teasing attitude, but we're also looking for a girl we connect with.  A girl that is supportive, fun, likes to hang out with us, makes us feel good about ourselves, lets us be men, doesn't nag or complain too much, stands up to us tactfully, shows she appreciates us, looks cute (beauty/cuteness is probably more important here than sexiness or hotness).  We typically look for a girl that fits in our social circles and who we can be proud to take out/be seen with.

    If you're looking for a husband, we're looking for everything above in the b/f category, but we're also looking for someone who is able to grow into our life.  Someone who is heading in the same direction, believes in the same things, trusts us completely, is willing to work towards common goals with us, merge our lives together, establish a good system of who's in charge for the relationship, someone whom we share a deep emotional and mental connection with (yeah, it's not until this step that it becomes important, maybe a serious gf step).  We want someone who laughs at our jokes, helps us laugh at ourselves.  Someone who will laugh at themselves and wont try to break out spirits.  What you girls never realize is that no matter how tough and gruff a guy in on the exterior and how much we show that nothing bothers us, once we let a girl into our lives and start caring about her, she has the power to either totally destroy the guy or take him to heights he never knew he could reach, 9 times out of 10 we WILL allow you to do either and will be unable to stop you.  You can be either your husband/boyfriends Kryptonite to his Superman, or be the Spinach to his Popeye.

  6. a girl that is nice, sensitive, comical and have a nice booty .

  7. depends on their maturity level. some just want s*x, some really want a commitment.  

  8. Naw, what i look for in a girl. is when they act mysterious you know for me thats a turn on, for real. naw but also see if she is the caring type. pretty jp. but that would be a bonus.  

  9. I always look for someone smart, cute and caring.  

  10. All guys are different and it also depends on what we plan to do with you:

    1) Just want to F you a few times=super hot, low self esteem, stupid

    2) Want to be "serious" super hot is nice, but priority for me is intelligent, a loving & kind heart a positive attitude and independent.

    This is just my opinion, other men may disagree.

  11. Me, I look for personality. You probably won't believe that, but it's the truth. Looks are important, but everyone has a different opinion on what is good looking and they are still secondary to me.

  12. Kara, "all" guys aren't alike, and each of them like different things,

    but if you want his attention . . .  if you want to win him over . . .

    then be a girl that is on the same page with him and that likes the same things that he likes.

    Sometimes you may not look the best, or have the best of things, or have the best shape, or even have the best personality, but this will cover over your flaws with some guys.

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