
What do guys think about burnt armpits???

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my friend can nvr wear tanks cuz she has burnt armpits....does anyone no how to get rid of it?????AND WAT DO GUYS THINK ABOUT THEM?




  1. i dont know if this is what u mean...but my friend is half Fijian and her armpits are significantly darker than the rest of her skin.

    i think each guy would feel differently about it...but the thing with guys is, if a girl has enough confidence, a guy can be convinced that anything is s**y.

    only losers want "perfect" girls - and they usually cant get them cos they're out of their league :-P

  2. .....

  3. nvr hurd of that b4  

  4. Explain what that is please.

    Oh i don't think guy's mind that. I mean you are made the way you are. I don't think that is something you can change just tell your friend if a guy don't want to be with her because of that then move along :)

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