
What do guys think of girls who play rugby?

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I can't play in the backline, LOL I make fun of the backs all the time! The forwards do all the work, and the backs are just there -as a "back"-up in case of a fluke. My coach (a wise man) once told me that the forwards decide who wins the games, the backs only determine by how much.




  1. Great our national women's team has won the rugby world cup and are considered to be the best rugby team in the world.  They are more expansive in their approach to the game as opposed to men's teams.

  2. Want a new BF? I think its great! I love girls who play sports, esp ones like Rugby!!!  Good job out of you!!

  3. I think it's cool that you want to play sport. Personally I love it when a girl plays sport but rugby?

    I gotta go with your boyfriend here and say that rugby is not meant meant for girls. I just don't find those that do attractive.

    There are plenty of other adrenalin sports such as rock climbing or what about taking up soccer?

    In the end though, if you have your heart set on playing rugby. then you should go for it. Your boyfriend should support you in this, no matter how much he hates it (I know I would). Just make you don't end up playing prop and try stick to playing in the backline! :-)

  4. then you must be a really tough woman if it makes you happy playing it then play it you can do what you want

  5. Female rugby players are freakin cool.  There's just something about a girl that can go out and lay a clean hit that makes her attractive.  Not all rugby girls are manly.  Check out the USA Women Eagles.  Several of them are knockouts on and off the field.  You should play!  It's a great sport.

  6. aww girls playing rugby is heaps cool and your boyfriend is right for being concerned cause it is a rough game but like u im challenge junkie and for me rugby is the ultimate stress relief. so why quit rugby if u love it?

  7. I think you should do what you feel you want to do.  He has a right to say how he feels and move on.  

    If its too much, thats for you to decide.

    I think people who do radical things of any sort such as play dangerous sports are experiencing freedom from the "norms", the sterotypes, and being limited by what other people want to make them do or not do (CONTROL THEM).

  8. very stupid

  9. well i play women's rugby and i don't understand why people make a big deal about it. i was scouted to play Div 1 college soccer but somehow i play rugby now. rugby is so much like soccer and football but its more fun and the social aspects of it are great. who really cares what other people think, as long as you enjoy it! people think women's players are outcasts and lesbians but they'd be surprised to actually meet a competitive team, most are excellent athletes that love the drink ups with the guys teams. keep playing and try to stay injury free.

  10. that is awesome!!!!!

  11. not the smartest choice for da girl

  12. I like sporty girls rather than those who sit at home, preening themselves.

  13. not much, and what they do think usually isn't good

  14. nothing

  15. I think it is cool, a gf with a black eye may be a let off though!

    Go for  it girl just mind the tackles

  16. Your bf ought to watch out for some fancy tackles in bed by you!!!

  17. I love the girls team at my school, they are all awsome and great in a drinking match.

  18. s**y

  19. From what I have seen and experienced, the conflict arises not from the physicality of the sport, but the time spent playing, travelling, and socializing that comes with it.  

    Guys think it is all of the above mentioned, until you choose it over them!  That's why I try to have a relationship in place prior to the start of the season!  Trying to start something mid-season usually doesn't work because you are gone every weekend playing games and they get all whiney about it!:)  That is unless they are rugby players too, but dating rugby guys isn't the best idea either:)

    Just kidding!  Guys think it is awesome, and if they have any other concern other than your personal safety, then they are being insecure.

  20. One word, "HOT"

  21. way s**y

  22. s**y bi***es

  23. Men get hurt playing rugby too. My chiropractor is still trying to cure me of rugby. If you except any risks play.

  24. Women playing rugby!? Whatever next.... monkey tennis?

  25. cool.

  26. I personally don't care what sport they play.

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