
What do guys think of vegetarians?

by Guest56335  |  earlier

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I'm a vegetarian and was wondering what guys think about it. Do they think it's wierd?




  1. Who cares? Just be a vegetarian.

    Save animals, be healthy.

    If they say they hate it are you gonna give in?

  2. i think its pretty kool, but most people expect you to be skinny just because your vegetarian

  3. Do you mean what non-vegetarian guys think of it? Or guys in general? There are vegetarian and vegan guys and I'm sure they would like it.

  4. I wouldn't worry about what others think about your decision. I'd assume most people wouldn't mind, it's a personal choice. :]

  5. some guys think you think that ur fat and you stopped eating to get skinny, other gus think its cool that u stand up for what u belive in , other guys idk

  6. they rock.  so do you.


  7. They don't bother me one bit unless they want to push their lifestyle/choice on me.

  8. I'm a girl but I think vegetarian guys are really cool ;-b

  9. They're cool with me. I wouldn't use that as a criteria to judge anyone.

  10. I love vegetarians considering i'm a veg@n. I met another vegetarian once but she was too old for me, (i'm a teen she's in her 20's) But some guys don't mind it some do, it's all preference!

  11. depends on the dude.

    i like it because i dont eat much meat myself.

    but its also a bold decision to make and a difficult thing to stick to, which tells a dude that you're independent and not afraid to do your own thing.

    very attractive traits in a woman.


  12. closed minded guys don't like them

    open minded guys like me love them and respect their decision.

  13. for me it think their dietary life is so boring.

  14. They are fascinated.  Cook them a terrific meal.

  15. Vegetarians are just regular folks. They're only viewed differently by the insecure and uninformed.

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