
What do head lice hate?

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I'm just wondering whats the best way too kill of head lice with out using the chemicals or head-lice creams you buy from shops or chemists.

My little sister seems to have head-lice but we don't want to put chemicals on her hair.

Any natural/neutral remedies you know?

Please tell me.





  1. Olive oil!!!  It doesn't allow them to breathe!  I know...gross...but it really works.

  2. pesticides

  3. Have them listen to one of Bush's speeches.

  4. tea tree oil

  5. how old is she?  

  6. i remember a girl at school she used vinegar! there is loads of stuff these days at the chemist

  7. not your little sister =]

  8. dirty hair. don't dissapoint your guests!!!

  9. just use a fine toothed comb every day till theyre all gone.

    you can even buy a battery powered special comb which will get them out.

    also dont wash her hair as often as they love clean hair

  10. Wash your sister's hair and put plenty of conditioner in it.  Then, get a nit comb from the chemist and just go through it relentlessly every night for at least a week.  Sadly, if your sister has them, chances are, there is an epidemic at the school she attends.  I hate to tell you, but when my daughter was at school, I was forever 'de fleaing' her.  There didn't seem to be a week went by without her having nits, it was a complete nightmare.

    Hopefully the school are aware and have sent letters out to all parents, lets just hope they are as vigilant as you are and they take heed and check their children.

    Good luck.


  11. Tea tree oil works for my son - I get a tea tree oil and mint shampoo and he has been clear now for over a year

  12. when my family got head lice we put mayonnaise in our hair and then covered it with a shower cap then we went to sleep with it on.  another thing is to keep a shower cap on both of these suffocate the lice.  We also would comb out the knits everyday.

  13. well i know that headlice dont like conditioner because it makes the hair slippy so they come out and try nit combing regularly and that will get rid of them or try just keeping her hair really clean

    hope i helped :D x

  14. okay ummm

    mayo does heheh

    its totally gross but it worked

    for my cousins


    good luck

  15. well, theyre parasites, arent they?

    and they hate any environment that is strongly acidic.

    i would try vinegar. that might kill them.

  16. Tea Tree Oil can help repel lice because it makes the child 'invisible' to them, where they don't think the child is human so therefore stay away from them. You can find Tea Tree and other essential oils from a local homeopath or health food store. You can also search eBay or your online Yellow Pages for 'essential oils.'

    You are right to want to stay away from chemical head lice treatments. No chemical head lice treatment is legally allowed to be labeled as 'safe' as every insecticide is a poison. Every pesticide preparation has the potential to do serious damage depending on the individual.

    Read the articles at the following site and try to find a natural remedy containing Neem oil as this renders the lice unable to breed therefore make it impossible for them to build up a resistance.

    Good luck

  17. mayo... and put a shower cap over it and leave it in for a while. i had it when i was like 2 years old and thats what my mom did to me and it gets rid of it. but doont forget to comb throo it with one of those special comb thingss.

  18. Well, I hate to say it, but without chemicals it's a bit hopeless.

    You need chemicals to kill the nits. (lice eggs)

    But you can just comb and pick out the actual lice.

  19. They hate castor oil. Coat hair cover with disposable shower cap leave on over night. In the AM put shampoo on hair before you wet it! Wash twice castor oil is gone and so are lice. Do comb hair carefully to be sure there aren't any nits left. Hair is conditioned and looks great.  

  20. I don't know of anything natural but you can get an electric nit-comb which kills the nits/lice on contact. This is what I used to use for my hair when I was younger

  21. the only full way to get rid of it is to get some sort of shammpoo like rid lice shampoo. the chemicals arent too bad, you need to wash your blankets also, do this quickly and check everyone else in the house for lice

  22. U have to use chemicals or the lice will grow and have a huge rash on ure neck and behind ure ears. it happened to me and it is not fun.

  23. Put a few drops of tea tree oil in the shampoo and conditioner (if you use it on her). They hate the smell of it.  When her hair is still wet it will still smell like the oil (it's cheap---about $4.50 at walmart) but once her hair is dry you won't be able to smell it.  Also, you can put the oil on a cotton ball and rub in around her hair line to help repel new ones.

  24. Skinheads

  25. Well, I know that they hate when hair is dirty, because it makes it hard to move around. Though, you should use actual stuff to get rid of the lice.

  26. Tea trea oil (or any other oil but tea trea is best because it smells). They hate it.

    Vinegar can also work but doesn't smell anywhere near as nice as tea trea oil, which is definitely one of my favourite smells XD

  27. sleep a whole night with mayonnaise in your hair. a lot of it. you have to work it through like shampoo (when your hair is dry) and the mayo is supposed to suffocate them. you should wear a shower cap when you sleep.

  28. If you don't want to use products to kill the lice, shave her head.  That is just about the only other way.  If you don't wash everything she has been in contact with, you all will have lice soon.  

  29. they dont like dirty heads so they always infect a clean head.if you dont want to use chemicals try this,lots of conditioner on the head and scalp then use a nit comb and keep combing.apparantly it breaks off the lices legs and they cant wander to lay their eggs and then they will have to do this every day for several weeks though.good luck.

  30. Hi,

    Henna would be a good idea but I hope you know it is a drying agent so you need to put oil and half an hour after oiling you need to apply henna and that also for 45 minutes only because the scalp can absorb only for 15 to 20 minutes.

    If you have grey hair then it will turn reddish and to avoid that you need to add 2 egg yolks and 4 table spoon of yoghurt and it should be like a cake batter and to achieve that add water after the yolk and yoghurt.

    As for oil it can be coconut oil or almond oil or there is a 100% natural lotion  It is Ziravie, I used to but it in Spain but it is available on and the ID is hair-treatment.

    After henna and shampoo do make sure you use a conditioner

    Try this I am sure you can get rid of lice

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