
What do head-lice hate?

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I'm just wondering whats the best way too kill of head lice with out using the chemicals or head-lice creams you buy from shops or chemists.

My little sister seems to have head-lice but we don't want to put chemicals on her hair.

Any natural/neutral remedies you know?




  1. Lot of misconceptions here!

    Alan Greene MD, FAAP

    Myth: All heads of hair are equally attractive to lice.

    Fact: Lice seem to prefer children to adults, long hair to short hair, and they particularly like the hair of females. Interestingly, lice only rarely afflict African Americans living in North America. The lice in Africa and South America have adapted, however, and cases are common in every group on those continents. Cases of lice are most common in children 3 and 10 years old, but can occur at any age.

    They hate Dirty hair & they love clean hair. To deter lice wear lots of hair gels, and sprays.

  2. I remember when I was a child that my mother was no into over the counter meds for remedies for head lice.  I recall  that I had the head lice and that she put vinegar in my hair and wrapped it in aluminum foil and had me sit for an hour.

    Below is a good website for proven home remedies to rid lice.

    Good luck.  

  3. vinegar and tea tree

  4. i use normal cheap conditioner and a nit comb put it on damp hair and comb through with nit comb they cant stick to antthing then

  5. tea tree oil

  6. comb her hair, and hold the comb over a fire to burn them and repeat.

    OR just wash her hair A LOT

    Lice HATE clean hair

  7. You should try the followingg essential oils

    Tea tree, lavendar, rosemary, eucalyptus, peppermint.  You can buy them in most health food shops or boots.

    See th following websites and t*t will tell you how to blend it all together! Its better than that nasty bottled poison!!

  8. Tee tree oil and paroxide that is in blonde hair dye  

  9. a trip to the barber for a nice clean shaved head

  10. When my son came home with lice, we tried all the over the counter remedies to no avail.  Finally we broke down and called the doctor.  He said to soak the hair in MAYO (real stuff, not Miracle Whip!) and put a shower cap on it for about 30-40 minutes.  It worked better than ANYTHING we tried!  

    Make sure to wash all clothes and bed sheets in HOT HOT water.  Also any stuffed animals that she has been around should be put in a large trash bag and sealed up for about a month if they are not washable.  

    Good luck, they're hard little buggers to get rid of, but it IS possible!

  11. vinegar!

  12. Yep, tea tree oil, vinegar and normal oil...with natural remedies you really need to do it consistently until they are gone. The chemical remedies work much better and don't do so much damage actually.

  13. They hate Oil....

  14. mach 3 turbo

  15. would you be okay to be using a headlice comb on her? thats what i used when i got them. also i heard bout vinegar, olive oil and animal fats.

  16. I know they hate coarse or dirty hair. They love clean hair. Maybe try some oil.

  17. Tea Tree.. You can get Tea tree shampoos from almost any shop or supermarket x

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