
What do hermit crabs eat?

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My hermit crab is small and very shy im not sure what it eats. Its blue




  1. penut butter fruits meat and comercial food watch out for the comercial food they may have bad stuff!!! also dont feed em potatoes or tomatoes they dotn like salty things

    edit also mangoes papaias egg shells for calcium. no hot and spicy things and fish meat or somthing that smells funky like a fish head or fish meat. haha i love hemit crabs very social and friendly!!!! good luck!!! =)

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    when cleaning the tank clean under the food dish because they may have their food there and food will rot if not replaced the next day.

  2. scrambled eyes, no butter or seasoning, and egg shells, my crabs LOVED apples. They would actually steal apple chunks from each other.

  3. You have a Hermit Crab? Wonderful animals aren't they?

    Here is some information that should help you out.

    Crabs are scavengers and will eat just about anything. Commercially prepared foods (including our custom blend), green vegetables, fruits, peanut butter. Remove fresh foods daily so they don't rot.

    Here is a good website to visit:

    Your crab is going to be as healthy as can be, I just know it. :)

    -Tyler Petersen

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