
What do hippos eat..............

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I see them on the TV in water all the time but what do they eat




  1. They eat green things : grass, vegetables....

    They don't eat meat, especially NOT humans!  

  2. Kinder eggs

  3. they eat vegetables, fruit, and sometimes they eat small animals, but they will attack humans so watch out!

  4. I went to a zoo and they were feeidng them carrots.

  5. Round plastic balls, had four of them when I was younger. PMSL

  6. people

  7. They eat grass, vegetables, and fruits that drop from trees.They go on at night to graze but not a lot because they preserve their energy but some times they'll even eat meat like dead animals on utube it shows a hippo eating a buffaloe and in animal planet it showed a lot of dead wildebeest in the river and hippos where eating them.

  8. people...duh

    nah, but they eat cabbages

  9. Marbles

  10. Hippos are herbivores - they only eat plant life - and their favorite food is short grass.  They can eat up to 150 lbs of grass a day, but did you know that the average cow eats more in a day than the average hippo??  

  11. Diet

    Hippos feed on grass, but have very occasionally been seen eating small animals or scavenging. They eat about 40kg of grass a night, which is only 1-1.5 per cent of their body weight - their lifestyle is energy-efficient.

  12. Hippos eat mostly grass like cows do, but they leave the river after dark and graze. Their broad mouth and muscular lips are very efficient at plucking grass low to the ground. Hippos live in herds dominated by a single mature bull. He has first access to food and mates, but he is constantly forced to fight other bulls to maintain his dominance. This frequently takes up so much time and energy he can't graze properly. This is why males have been observed scavenging the carcases of animals killed by lions. Meat is more nutrttious than grass and allows the male to eat less but still maintain his strength. Hippo calves of course nurse and are weaned after a year or two. The hippopotomus is a distant relative of the pig and it's latin name translates to "river horse". The three most dangerous animals in Africa are crocodiles, leopards and hippos.

  13.   Hi Kenagain,


    Hippos feed on grass, but have very occasionally been seen eating small animals or scavenging. They eat about 40kg of grass a night, which is only 1-1.5 per cent of their body weight - their lifestyle is energy-efficient.

    Can't think why you want to know ? .

  14. They eat grass and other vegetables. All the pointy looking teeth are for fighting.

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