
What do his friends think of me?

by Guest67058  |  earlier

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So my boyfriend is at Leeds festival with his friends, he's known them all of his life. I've only met 3 of them and I want the rest to like me. I haven't asked him to but he calls often. Today he called 3 times and talked on the phone for 20-40 mins. I think its sweet but I wonder what his friends must think. I don't ask him to call me he just does. I hear them in the background fooling around trying to get his attention but nothing. I don't want them to think I'm controlling, should I tell him to stop calling? I want him to have fun but i know he misses me. I wonder what they think of me?




  1. Dont worry what they think of you!!

    All that matters is you and ur boyfriend!!

    And if ur bf wants 2 ring you like 3 times a day let him its sweet!!  

  2. Tell him how you feel and tell him WHY it is important to know.

  3. Don't listen to the others. Only listen to shoogaplumm.

    Friends are really important to guys and he's almost definitely copping flak for calling you.

    It's not gonna kill you or him to not communicate with each other during the day. You can wait until night time or whatever, arrange a rough hour where he can call you.

    His friends won't dislike you, they'll just get on his case about calling you. And then eventually, he'll get so insecure about it that he won't even text you when he's anywhere near his friends.

    You have the right idea yourself, tell him not to call during the day and to just have fun. If he really needs to contact you, he can text, but don't have a 'text convo' because they're just as bad. You were on the money from the start.  

  4. you seriously shouldnt care

    so what..they will like you

    it doesnt matter what they think really

    dont make that mistake of telling your bf not to call you he might think your breaking up or thinkin of breaking up.

    just let him call you guys dont have a brain so it really doesnt matter..

    so live a lil and dont kill your relationship

  5. you shouldn't care what they think, he your boyfriend and he wants  to talk to you, and as long as you still want to talk to him, there should be no problem

  6. i dont think they think anything bad about you. but maybe you should talk to him about it.tell him that you like when he calls you but he doesn't have to when hes out with his friends. maybe he just thinks you'll get upset if he doesn't check in.

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