
What do horses "like" to do?

by Guest58557  |  earlier

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im trying to get ideas for my horse, something she will like to do, she is the kind of horses that rather be eating then running, so any ideas, i already barrel race and jump her a little to,




  1. Horses like to be allowed to just be horses.  Turn out with friends in a large pasture is my horses greatest joy.  I do know that my horses like to trail ride.  They enjoy getting out and seeing the countryside almost as much as I do.  Evidence on this is their eagerness under saddle leaving the yard on nice cool mornings.

  2. Horses enjoy a variety of things, but ringwork would probably be low on their list of fun things!  That doesn't mean you shouldn't do regular schooling, but it does mean that you should try to break up her routine as much as possible.

    I would suggest trail riding once or twice a week, picking different places to ride.  When you do arena riding, try to make things different.  Some days work over jumps (as you already are)  Other days set up poles and work over and around them.  If you buy the book "101 Jumping Excercises" you will see all the things you can do with rails, not just trotting over them but setting up spaces where you trot through doing figure 8s etc.  I also like to set up various trail obstacles in my ring, and after riding for a while, going and standing in an obstacle and then slowly working through it.  Examples are - backing through an L or Z pattern, sidepassing over a rail, working over a ramp, etc.  The key is - make the obstacle a good place to stop and rest and relax before you do it.

    Also, if you want your horse to be really happy, try to arrange it so she can be in pasture turn-out 24/7, or as much as possible, and grazing.  That is what makes horses really happy, and being with another horse, too.

  3. i own show horses and race horses.. and they know there jobs and they do them well.. my saddlebred love the show ring.. but horses need time to be a horse... we bring our horses swimming... trail riding...  and on beach rides.. they love it.... but if you get a good show horse they like the attention of the show ring as well.. hope you find something fun to do

  4. That is really great that you are taking your horse's enjoyment into consideration.  Many people forget about their horse's happiness and focus on themselves.  If you barrel race your horse alot, then I would consider taking time out of every ride to do something else other than the barrel pattern.  This could make her enjoy time in the saddle much more and she won't get bored and become barn sour.  Also, you can simply spend time with your horse and bond with her.  This means taking a day away from training and just give her a day of pampering.  When I do this with my horse, I give her a thorough grooming and--if it's a hot day--will hose her down or give her a nice bath, and then let her eat grass as she dries up.  I make sure to talk to her alot and pet her to assure her that I am her friend and protector.  You may also try buying treats or getting a recipe for horse treats on the internet.  Basically, a horse is happiest the most when she is not doing work or she is with her best  I hope I helped!  All horses are different, though.  Just try different things that will make her the happiest and pay attentions to how she reacts to each thing.  If you have any questions, just ask and I'll try to help!  Good luck!

  5. She would like to be out 24/7 with access to shelter and nice fresh water whenever she decides to use it, and if you insist on riding her, she wants to go out into the fields and on trails, on a loose rein, at whatever pace she chooses.  Oh, and she wants to be pastured with her favorite friends, and she wants to choose any other horses that may go along on your rides.

  6. Also, if you want her to have fun while in a stall, there are hanging oat balls that you can get, or there's some sort of toy thing that makes treats come out of it, but I've only heard of these things. No experience on what works best

  7. try doing something different... you could go for a trail ride or something out of the ring to get her interested.

  8. have you heard of the Parelli method? it is geat ground work fun and is something new for your horse every time. Im sure if you google Parelli you will find loads of ideas for you and your horse!

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