
What do hospital do with ur baby if the baby dies before full term?

by  |  earlier

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i lost my baby at 21 weeks pregnate and they kept my baby she was only 1 lb and didnt qulify for a death certificate.but she was fully formed and developed. i have nightmares that they just put her in the garbage. when i asked what happens nobody could tell me.




  1. the baby should have been delievered  even at five months and yes you should of had the right to bury it or cremate it, my sister lost her baby at 5 months it dies inside of her she had to still give birth to it and it was dead they then organisaed a burial for it,there would be an inquest place or go to the ceo of the hospital

  2. So sorry for your loss. my neice got a little pin from the hosp. of a pair of feet that corasponded with the number of weeks of the baby.  That seemed to give her some comfort. Take peace in knowing that your child is with God in heaven  

  3. My mother had a miscarriage. She told me that the hospital has a cemetary somewhere where they buried her baby. I'm sorry for your loss, but please don't worry anymore, they didn't just throw your baby away.

  4. i am so sorry for your lose. at that term of your pregnacy it must have been hard.

    i know when we have such a tragic event here at our hospital the child is sent to the pathologist with the placenta to determine if there are any obvious causes for death.

    after that the child may be released to its parents or is properly laid to rest.

    your child was not thrown in the trash i promise you. and i can fully understand your concern.

    please be at peace and i wish all the best for you in the future.  

  5. usually u are able to take the body for burial cremation and that sort.

    im so sorry for ur loss

  6. we cant stay stop worrying as you wont and cant its natural .im  sorry for your loss but with my cousin she lost her baby and the hospital had a white casket with candles all around it was very beautiful and they done the same with all the babies regardless of age .

  7. I'm so sorry to hear that : ( I am pretty sure that they cremate them. Would they not give your baby to you so that you could bury her yourself?

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