
What do hospitals do with aborted babies?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Some become medical waste, other becomes product for sale for vaccines, research, and even cosmetic medicine.

  2. They're sent out with medical and clinical waste.

    They are NOT used for vaccines today, as one poster stated.

    It IS true that originally cells were cultivated from a fetus that had been aborted - back in the 60's.  Those cells were allowed to multiply and divide and today it's the great-great-great X1000 granddaughters of those original cells.

  3. Um - I guess they dispose of foetuses with other clinical waste.  Why do you want to know??

  4. Oh my gosh I never thought about that before good question!!

    That is so sad! I really wanna know but i'm to afraid to read all the other answers!!

  5. They send them to Bernard Matthews.

  6. You mean aborted fetus'....They dispose of that just like they do any other medical waste like how they do at funeral homes, hospitals.  

  7. Unfortunately they just go into a dumpster with all other waste from the clinic. Very sad, I know

  8. I had an ectopic pregnancy in february 07 and had to have emergency surgery to have my tube and my baby removed because well basically I would have died otherwise and afterwards I asked the same question you are and they told me they cremate them at the crematorium and I was welcome to go along.

    It was heartbreaking there were about 20 tiny white coffins and I was there on my own  :( they said a few words blessed them and then they were cremated and their ashes scattered in the garden.

    Even though it was so hard and totally devastating to watch it was comforting to know my baby wasn't just thrown in the bin.

  9. they do the same thing wat they do for an unclaimed deadbody... they have area alotted and they just dig and burry all the dead they have... just like land fillin

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