
What do hunters in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming think of this court decision?

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About ending the planed wolf hunts in those areas?




  1. Got to let the population rebuild itself, then go back to hunting. This keeps everything in balance, wolves have no natural enemy and decent life-spans which means if not kept in check the packs would run wild in high numbers killing everything including humans.

    As for the troll who cares.

  2. Wolves are protected species in Maine.

    That doesn't mean I won't take a "Trophy Coyote" if the opportunity presents itself.

  3. I am a wolf "lover", I think they are a magnificent animal and do see the need to have them around.  But like all other species, if left alone and not controlled they can over populate and run a muck.

    If the local environmentalist say they need to be hunted, then they need to be hunted (they dictate conservation).

    In my opinion Federal Government shouldn't have control of are natural resources, considering many politicians (in many different countries) seem to be to blame for so many environmental problems today

  4. I agreed with taking them off the list. Wyoming is to blame for them going back on the list. The WY plan was horrible from the start (predator zone) and now theyve ruined it for all 3 states. MT is the only state with a reasonable plan as it is.

  5. Wolves are still necessary for keeping the game (elk, deer, moose, etc) populations in check and for the overall balance of Nature. You probably don't know that wolves help to feed a wide variety of wildlife, simply by providing food in the form of carrion.....or you simply don't give a rat's f**t about a balanced variety of wildlife.

    As for the myths about wolves... How about people start explaining the things people do by transferring purely (and uniquely) wolf traits to human activities? Wolves are wolves, and to view them as anything but wolves is like comparing dogs to birds.

  6. All it means is that the wolf lovers found a like minded judge to issue a temporary order

    This sort of posturing goes on all the time when activist judges think they have more education and intelligence than the biologists that actually deal with the animals in real life

    It has nothing to do with some imagine transference of wolf qualities  to humans (how the h**l did that work into the conversation anyway) and a lot more with transferring human qualities to wolves

    It also has so much more to do with people thinking that just because they think wolves look pretty in pictures that they somehow have more education and experience on matter involving wolves than biologists that actually study the animals and their effects on the natural conditions that they impact

    Those are the same people who will decry the public education system as faulty while simultaneously assuming that their high school education somehow trumps 8 years of higher education and many years of experience in ecological matters

  7. This is a horrible decision that judge needs his head examined Hunting is the only conservation tool that is effective for Wolves as they have no natural enemies a pack of Wolves is the most deadly & ferocious predators on the planet  living only death and destruction in it's wake .

  8. I'll take the word of a federal biologist before a lobbyist for anti-hunters, and he says wolf hunting is fine for them.

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