
What do hyperbolic chambers do to help scuba divers?

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I need to now how hyperbolic chambers help scuba divers and everything you can possibly tell me about hyperbolic chambers.




  1. It's not hyperbolic, it's hyperbaric, which may explain why you can't dig the information up on the web.

    Chamber treatments are used for a dive injury such as DCS (decompression sickness).

    Divers can get hurt by gases dissolved in the blood stream or lodged in soft tissue areas of the body. These gases ( most notably nitrogen) are the result of breathing a high pressure gas ( the air in your tank), while your body is exposed to the surrounding water pressure of the depth you're diving at. Everything is fine and dandy if you stay at the depth you breathed those gases in. The problem is that you have to come up sometime.  Once you start to ascend, those dissolved gases begin to get larger as the surrounding water pressure on your body decreases. A little micro bubble becomes a bigger bubble that can hurt or kill you. There are thousands of them starting to form. Just like the "pop" and fizz you hear and see when you open a bottle of soda. Same principle. You couldn't see the gas in the soda until you opened the bottle and reduced the pressure on the liquid. Once the pressure was reduced by opening the bottle, the gas came out of solution and, you see the bubbles. The same thing happens with diving and a diver's body. If you don't spend too much time at depth ( absorbing those little bubbles that will become bigger bubbles) and if you ascend slow enough, the bubbles don't get a chance to get big enough to be a problem. Too long on the bottom and/ or too fast an ascent, and those dissolved gases don't have a chance to leave the diver's body through normal respiration (breathing). They become "locked" in the body. Too big to get out.

    This is where the chamber comes in. If a diver survives their ascent to the surface after they know for a fact they suffered a DCS hit or they suspect that they have, they're whisked off, as fast as possible to a chamber to begin treatment. The chamber simulates a dive without getting wet. The diver is placed inside with a chamber medic ( if space permits). The door is closed and the  atmosphere in the chamber is pressurized to whatever equivalent water depth the supervising Doctor thinks is warranted. This makes those big bubbles dissolved in the diver, want to shrink again due to the increased pressure on the diver's body. These bubbles can now start to leave the diver through normal breathing. The atmospheric pressure in the chamber is slowly brought back down  to 1 atmosphere of pressure ( the same as at the surface).  An oxygen mask may also be used on the diver. This helps to displace nitrogen in the blood stream.

    It may take one treatment in the chamber or it may take several

  2. they help repesrize them so if thay come up to fast thay wont die

  3. there are alot of answers to this question i recomend do a serch for hyperbolic chambers and you will find it

    but it is to help presurize you when you come back up . if you come back up to fast the air bubbles in your blood something happens .. you have to come up slower than your won bubles.. serch..

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