
What do i call my step mother?

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Can I call my step mother 'mom' instead of 'mam/madam'???

She is really wierd.

She is with me since 7 months and from the first day, I call her madam/mam...

actually because she is a teacher of science in my school.

I knew her as a teacher before.

How do i begin calling her "mom"???




  1. Ask Her what she wants to be called.  I was a first name step mom because my little one was young enough it would have been confusing and irritating to her to deal with two moms.

    As she got older she called me in jest,

    'My wicked stepmother".  Now I am her daughter's Granna or Grannie and she still calls me by my first name.

  2. What about you ask her what she would like to be called?

    What about just her first name?  Try and figure out if this would be disrespectful to her.  Most stepparents that I've come across are called their first name by their stepchildren.

    Remember you don't have to call her mum if you don't want to.  It's up to you, and what you feel comfortable with.  Don't pressure yourself.   Also what about talking to your dad, does he have any suggestions?

  3. well for a start u dont have to call her mum if u dont want to!

    if u see her as a parent figure and want to call her mum then why dont u ask her what she thinks? ask her " would u mind if i called u mum? " or why dont u ask her "what would u like me to call u mum or name"

    good luck!

  4. Well, my mom's stepmother never made my mom call her "mom". She gave her the choice of either calling her "mom" or by her first name. Same for me and my sister.

    My sister is stepmom to four kids. The oldest girl has always called her mom. And the three younger ones call her "mommy *her first name*)

    It's really up to you and how you feel. No step parent should ever "make" you call them what they like. It's up to you. Good luck :)

  5. If you aren't comfortable calling her mom then just call her by her first name.  I wouldn't want to be called mam/madam.

  6. how could you know her as a teacher before she was your step mom if she became your step mom at 7 months of age?

    call her whatever you feel comfortable calling her.

  7. I would ask her what her preference is.  Let her know that you would like to call her "mom", so that she knows you feel comfortable addressing her that way.  She might even be complimented by it.  I know I would be if it were me.

  8. Why not ask her what she would like you to call her? It shows her that you respect her, and it would help you to get on better as part of the family.

    Of course, you'd call her "madam" or "miss" whilst you're at school, but please ask her what she'd want you to call her at home.

  9. it's really quite difficult, since she's not your mom. but let's say, other thing, call her as a name, for example, the favourite of hers,

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