
What do i clean my eye glasses with?

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i just got my first pair of glasses and they didn't give me anything to clean them it true that you can use rubbing alcohol? if not what should i use/but???




  1. Wire wool ....

    A sanding disc

    or a small wire scrubbing brush....  

  2. Don't use that. go to the store and by a special lense cleaning kit--they give you a spray on liquid and a special cleansing cloth--DON'T JUST USE ANY RANDOM CLOTH!!! trust me, that can be bad. but you definitely need to get a lense cleaning kit--its right around the pharmacy dept. at grocery stores

  3. usally they come with a cloth to clean them with but if urs didn't then buy the cleaning kit  

  4. I just use the cloth that come with the glasses and a circular wiper thing that cleans the smudges . Some places like Walgreen and Walmart sell them. Some people use eye glass solutions which can also be found almost anywhere.My sis and I dont use it though. Never really needed to  

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