
What do i do? Could i get pregnant?

by Guest34378  |  earlier

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alright. so i had s*x today for the first time. i do not know if he came inside me. i do not know really anything which is horrible because i am 20 years old. I hurt down there but that much is normal. i am also bleeding a little. terrible i know. there is more to this story but yea. so anyways how often until i know if i'm prego or not? and when does bleeding usually stop?




  1. Of course you could be pregnant.  Why didn't you use birth control?  Go to your doctor or a Planned Parenthood and get some contraceptives. Also, you're probably bleeding because your hymen broke.  Didn't you ever take any s*x ed classes?

  2. Yes. get birth control immediately

  3. wow your kind of young to get pregnant

  4. If you are 20 years old I would be REALLY surprised if your hymen was still intact.  If it was and the bleeding is from your hymen breaking you should only be seeing spotting.  If you are bleeding a lot you need to go to the doctor and get checked out to make sure you weren't injured because it is fully possible to get rips and tears that cause bleeding but aren't "normal" (speaking from personal experience here) and require medical attention.

    As far as pregnancy is concerned you could certainly be pregnant if you didn't use any birth control, which is how this sounds.  If you miss your next period you should get a pregnancy test, either by buying a home test or by going to the doctor.

    ALWAYS use condoms and get on the pill.

    Good luck.

  5. When did you have your last period? are you regular? How long does your cycle usually last... if you answer these i might be in a better position to help you!

    Hurting on your first time as well as the bleeding is quite normal

  6. The bleeding is normal, you are right. Conception can take up to three days. You probably won't know you are pregnant until your first missed period. Always use protection if you are not ready to have a baby. My husband and I got pregnant on our first try.  

  7. Was it with your BF? the first time the pain is normal for girls because he broke your hymen, the pain will go away in no time. now if your bleeding more than you should, you either having your period or something is wrong, if continue bleeding see a doctor. About pregnancy it takes a few months to know but the it is rare that a girl gets pregnant the first time, i hope you two were using protection cause who knows.

  8. hurting is normal....bleeding is normal [means he poped ur cherry]

    uh,u have to wait untill after ur first missed period until u will know if ur prego or not.  

  9. Bleeding will vary, sounds like he popped your cherry litterally.  In regard to the being pregnant part were you smart enough to have him use a condom?  That would go a long way.  When was your last period, how regular are you (how long is your cycle?)  that is also good info to know.  

    Typically you will have to wait a few days after you should have your next period.

    Next time be smart and have him use a condom.

    Also if he came in you i think you would know as his *** would be dripping out.

  10. The hurting and the bleeding are normal. Having s*x unprotected is stupid (which you already know). You will have to wait to see if your period is late, if so, take a test. I would recommend you go see your dr or planned parenthood and get on birth control.

  11. Uh, you should have used protection, and educated yourself thoroughly before taking that step, sounds like you were not quite ready.

    If you are pregnant, you could start experiencing symptoms as early as a week from today. You would take the test if you missed your period.

    The bleeding should stop soon btw. Varies from girl to girl though

  12. Well if you used a condom I'm sure you will be ok. Best get yourself checked out with a doctor just incase. After a lil bit, won't take long.

  13. If you go to a hospital for the test, you can find out in about 2 days. If the bleeding hasn't stopped by tomorrow you should probably go to the hospital.

  14. You are probably bleeding because of a broken hymen.  And it's sore because this is your first time and you will be sore the first few times...but as for determining whether or not you are pregnant depends on if you used protection or not.  Either way...there is always a chance of pregnancy.  Less of a chance if you had used protection

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