
What do i do? Heeelllllpppp!?

by Guest62881  |  earlier

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My 3 yr old daughters two parakeets she has had since birth just DIED this morning, what do i do? Do i buy two new ones that look like em and hope she doesnt notice or do i buy one of a total opposite color and explain death? If so what do i tell her about death of the birds? She just turned three a few days ago so she wont fully understand..... HEEELPPPPP!




  1. If you try to trick or fool her, she may just loose her trust in you. Explain to her that they are dead, but in a "kid friendly" way. Say something along the lines of "They have gone on a long trip, they are far above us, and won't be coming back. I'm very sorry." At this point, point your finger up to the sky, and tell her "Wave to them, they are smiling at you." Make sure she understands that they will NEVER come back. She may just cry, which is understandable. (My budgie, or parakeet, which you call them, died the December which just past. Both me and my sister cried a bit, as we had had him for 5 years, but we DID get over it.) She may even lose her temper a bit, and misbehave. This is normal. Give her time to cool down, a few days maybe. Do NOT bring up the subject of birds for a few days. If she has passed 3 solid days of good behavior, and seemingly happy moods, ask her what she would think if you got 2 new birds in the house. (If you don't mind getting new ones.) Both of you will eventually move on. Hope this helps =)

  2. The first thing to do is to find out why the birds died. Were they acting ill? . It is most unusual for the birds to die at the same time. Sounds like they they were exposed to some kind of toxic fumes if they were not acting ill---fluffed up ,not eating ,discharges from eyes and nose. Is it possible they were exposed to teflon or other nonstick pans that were overheated? These fumes will kill birds very quickly or maybe after a few hours. Other fumes could be from detergents,strong air fresheners ,bleach---etc. Birds respiratory systems are very delicate,

    How you handle telling your daughter depends on  your religious convictions.etc. Three is pretty young to explain death. You could make her very frightened and fearful.. I think I would tell her they got out and flew away  and wont be coming back.. If she persists distract her with something. Others will probably have better ideas  . My kids never met death until they were much older.

  3. get her one that looks the same.  

  4. I never recommend lying to your children, I would explain the best you can that they went to birdie heaven and God's taking care of them now. You can buy her another one and explain that God wants her to take of this one for awhile.

    The way I see it, if you lie to your children, what are you teaching them? That lying is ok, and then when they lie to you, what do you have to say about that? Not only that, but I think it breaks the trust issue with your children. It's your call however.  

  5. You must find out what killed them.  Household cleaning products or Febreeze?

    Do not lie to her.  Tell her they died and then ask her if she would like a fish.  Something killed the birds so do not get more until you know.

    Then buy here a lovely gold fish.

  6. ur the parant

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