
What do i do? I have a boyfriend but my X boyfriend still like me should i stay with my boyfriend or go back?

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What do i do? I have a boyfriend but my X boyfriend still like me should i stay with my boyfriend or go back?




  1. It really depends on who you really want to stay with. If you feel pressured in staying with a relationship with your current one, then leave. If otherwise, stay.

    The descision is up to you.

  2. The question perhaps is whether you still love your X. It doesn't matter if he still loves you. Balance your love for these two guys. Then you will find which is heavier and this would surely make you satisfied feeling no regrets. The most important is to know whether if your feeling still remains for him. If not anymore then you should learn from that mistake.

  3. There is a reason why your ex is an ex. It didn't work out with him so why hurt your current bf by going back with the ex? Stay with your current bf and don't hurt him.

  4. Why did you leave your first boyfriend in the first place?  does this one treat you better than the last?  You need to make up your mind on who really cares for you.  Just because someone wants you back doesn't mean you have to go back with them. Do you love the one you are with right now?  If so why hurt him just to run back with the old one for a while.  If it don't work out a second time then you have lost both.

  5. you should at least dine out with your X

  6. Depends, which one do you like better? And which one is worth spending your time with.

  7. Just remember why you guy break-up for .

    No matter if he did or if you did .

    Maybe the trust was brook,maybe you 2 wasn't compatible ,.

    But for certain something push you apart.And event if you do the bad move to go back everything will be find at first but will come back later on.And by doing that you will Left maybe a great guy to go back to the old one.

    And maybe ,if you still thinking about the old one you never really love your actual boyfriend.Oh boy what a dilemma you got .What is real love and don't look shiny for you right now .

    Can not stay with old one to fix problem but with new one and still thinking about old one .

    You can not do that all your life so make-up your mind and hope for the best

    That only my opinion

    Have a great day

  8. Why would you want to go back?

  9. o back e=with ur x

  10. We all make mistakes- the Key to Growing is to learn from our mistakes and NOT keep making the Same Ones over and over again.

    Where is the life/ or/ adventure in going BACK??? R U Nuts

  11. stay with boyfriend

  12. Follow your heart.  If your current boyfriend is great, and you are inlove, stay with him.  If you still love the old boyfriend, go back.  It will be painful either way, but more painful if you leave your current boyfriend.

  13. What does this question have to do with dining out?

  14. You just need to choose the best person for you.

    Free Nestle Chocolate.

  15. hey, it is not what they want. Ask yourself want you want and which one make you feel like a woman, which one makes you feel happy. if you still don't know what to do, then try both for a while and then you will be able to know who wins.

  16. trust me when i say the worst thing u can do is to fall in love with both.  it will wreck everything and u worst of all.  it happened to me.  i'm not young any more, but i can definitely say that hurt as much as anything in my life.  U should choose the one who helps u create more love in the relationship.

  17. sorry whan u, urself dunno what to do,i can NOT help u!

  18. can't believe your asking this kind of specific why is there a ex-boyfriend,why you left him,is your new boyfriend the man you were looking for....take this thing into consideration before asking

  19. Nobody will be able to give any sensible answer to your question if you do not give more details about your situation...

  20. you are not worth it for either of them. I think you are shallow and i have no respect for people like you. There has to be a reason you broke up in the first place. A reconciliation now only proves that he is a sleaze that cant go anywhere else for love and is returning to you, who on top of it, can even think of breaking your current bfriend's heart just bcos you think your X likes you.......  I Urge you to think before you react, or even post something stupid like this here

  21. think of why you and your ex broke up. Then ,  see if it's worth going back to him.

  22. CAN i be the third one?

  23. never go back! l was once told by my mother you never go back l did once and l lived to regret it. it can be seen as you cannot live without him and he may use that against you.

  24. there is obviously a reason you and your x arent together. but you should go with whoever you like more. whoever you get more joy out of seeing on a daily basis

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