
What do i do? I missd half of my my freshman year?

by  |  earlier

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So far i missed half of my freshman year because my parents tried to home school me but it didnt work.They ended up not teaching me anything at all. So all i know is the same stuff i know from 8th grade. What do i do? How do i make up the credits? My parents dont know what to do either. I missed the first semester of this year and now the second semester is about to start. What do i do?




  1. I'm assuming you are going to school? If so, I'm not sure what the problem is. You have a few options:

    1) Start now, but you'll be doing the equivalent of your first semester. Then take summer school to make up as many courses as you can. Repeat next year and the year after if needed. Also see if your school district offers night classes or weekend classes.

    2) Start now and finish one semester "late". This actually happens quite a bit.

  2. wow...i missed a week b4 x mas break n thts alot....ur prob gonna hafta spend a couple weeks in summer school to get the credit or sumthing like that.

  3. There is enough time for you to make up and more. If you are looking for supplemental help in Maths and English, we can help you though our Online Tutoring Programs.

    We have structured courses, which you can take advantage of - for subjects that you need help in.

    You can learn more about us at



  4. okay your only a freshman. It might seem bad but it isn't that bad . I know people that dropped out of school when they had 38 credits. All they needed was 2 more credits to graduate.  you have allot of time my friend. Go to school. When i was going to school i cut about 300 classes all through out high school maybe more. The school i went to wasn't a easy school either. I still graduated on time and had a 75 average. Your kinda young but once you get in school and you've been going for a little while see if they have night school or Saturday school so you could make up the credits.

  5. I suggest let your parents call the public school you would attend and let them talk to someone at the school about it.

    Or get into an online school.

    Good luck!

  6. First thing you do, counsult with the dean of whatever school you're getting into about it for advice.  See if you can make up your missed credits by taking up other subjects over the summer to catch up.

    I wouldn't recommend overloading to catch up since it might put on more unnecessary pressure on you.

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