
What do i do ? My girls are playing pregnant?

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i have a 15 yera old who i pregnant , all my other girls ranging fomr 9 to 6 play like their pregnant what does this mean?




  1. they are just acting out what they see. no biggie as long as they don't actually get pregnant lol!!!

  2. Its natural, they are just mimicing what they are whitnessing. If their Mommy were pregnant, they would do the same thing. Little girls play house and play with dolls, this doesnt mean anything serious like they want to get married and pregnant at 6. I did it as a child and so did every other child that was learning how babies get into this world.

  3. They may feel, like they are 'out of place'.  Also, You need to explain to the younger girls that, being pregnant as a teenager is not smart.

    The other big problem I foresee, is that, you may have to have the 's*x talk' with the younger girls, earlier than you planned to.

  4. they might see the special treatment the 15 year old gets and they might feel left out, or they could possibly just want to learn about what the 15 year old is going through. most young children learn through imitating what others do to find out more about what it's like such as playing house or pretending to be mommy and daddy.  

  5. Your little girls look up to there big sister so they just want to be like her.Its natural for them to do that.Oh and that's bad that your 15 year old daughter did that.Shame on her.

  6. It means like all games kids play, they are just imitating real life.

    Lots of little girls play at being pregnant, whether it's their mother who is pregnant, their sister, their aunt, their friend's mother, their neighbour, whoever - they stick balls or cushions under their t-shirts and pretend to be pregnant - it's very normal.

    I wouldn't make a big deal of it.  

    It's their way of taking an interest.

  7. it dosen't really mean anything. they are just acting out what they see in real life.

    i'm currently 38 weeks pregnant, and my three year old will stuff a pillow or balloon up her shirt and say, "look mommy, there's a baby in there!"

    it's nothing to worry about.

  8. yea its ok.. my niece does it all the time cuz her mom was recently pregnant. There will come a time to explain it further, but its just like boys pretending to pee on you, like mine do, or the girls stuffing balls in their shirts and sainglook boobies!! lol, Id say talk to the nine year old in a few years and make sure shes on a realistic viewpoint with what being pregnant really entails and the responsibilities it requires.  

  9. They are completely normal, I have a 4 and 2 yo who pretend they have babies in their tummies, by placing balloons up their t shirts. They are copying my friend who is pregnant. Nothing to worry about at all.

  10. Sorry - to hear about your 15yr old. I agree with the other comments, they look up to older sister, etc. BUT you must express to them that the older sister made a mistake and that they will be busy helping her out by babysitting. I think you will have to start s*x education with them NOW. So they will not repeat her mistake. Believe me education IS the KEY. Not trying to think abstinence is the cure all.

    I got my 2 children a pet. I pointed out to them that if they couldn't take care of a pet dog, hamster, fish, etc. how could they take care of a child?

    Keep the other 2 girls busy with activities. Only take care of the new baby when your daughter is in school, studying or going to work!!!! That is her baby. Make sure she reads all about new babies and what to expect for them and take care of them.

    Help her finish High School and if necessary Trade Sch./College. But do NOT baby sit while she goes to parties every weekend. Once every other month, maybe. But not every month, she MUST finish HS and get a trade, her new baby requires a lot of care.

    Best of luck to you and yours.    

  11. Its normal for young children to pretend play.  Children mimick things they see adults and older children do, its part of growing up and learning.  Im sure many young kids play pregnant even when its mommy that's having a baby too!

    It doesnt mean your girls are going to go out and get pregnant.  When they are of an appropriate age, you can discuss some of the hardships their older sister had to go thru because of having a baby so young (giving up hanging out with friends, giving up parties, NEEDING a job, not having her own money to buy things she wants, etc)  Kids are pretty observant too, and they may even make these realizations on their own.

  12. Now its a great time to have "the talk" if you havnt already ...

    If you have then sit them down and talk to them ...

    ask them if they realize how hard being pregnant is and that they have to wait till they are ready to not sleep all night

    and have to care for a crying baby

    and change poopy diapers and

    have the baby pee all over their hands and arms ...

    They probably are just reacting to what they see ... and what little girl hasnt played "mom" .. I used to put a baby doll over my stomach and pretend I gave birth while my sister was the doctor and would wash him haha~

    Just make sure to explain it to them that being pregnant is not like playing "mom" ... I am 25 and pregnant with #1 and I wish my mom had told me it wasnt that easy!!


  13. Probably either:

    1.  They are excited for the new baby and it's their way of being a part of it.

    2.  They notice that the pregnancy gets her a lot of additional attention (whether it is positive or negative) and crave the extra attention themselves.

    It's pretty normal for kids to play out life scenarios at that age, so I wouldn't worry too much, but maybe have a talk with them about how much work a baby is (let them participate in taking care, so they can see).

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