
What do i do about a barking Dog?

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i want to know if there is anything a neighbor can do about someones dog barking inside their home, my dog likes to bark at night i think because he's scared and i cant do anything to stop him he just stops for a few minutes then will start barking again he will also bark if he is alone i obviously don't know for how long but i have left before for an hour and have come back to him barking still so i wondered if there were any laws about barking dogs inside someones home i live in Oklahoma




  1. I'm not sure about the laws in your area, I would start by contacting your city clerk's office. You should be able to look that info up on the internet. Neighbors can really make your life a living h**l if they are motivated enough. They can complain daily, make threats, or even start petitions to have your dog removed from the neighborhood. As I said, first check with your city clerk's office to see how severe the neighbors reactions can be. Then attack the problem of the barking. You mentioned that your dog may be scared- you should try to figure out what is so frightening to your dog. You may be able to do something as simple as closing your shades to solve this problem. Next, you should try to figure out a way to keep your dog focused on something other than barking. I use toys to keep my dog from barking. Mine always has a variety of toys to play with at all times, but there are special toys that I keep and only give him when I am leaving to keep him busy so he doesn't bark or destroy anything. His favorite "busy toy" is his "Everlasting Treat Ball." You can get them at any pet store for under $10.00. And you can also purchase replacement treats for the ball. Its great- he loves it. He chews on that instead of my shoes or barking at the neighbors. Good luck with this. Also, remember to always be polite to the neighbor no matter what. Tell them that you are doing everything you can to address the problem. Being polite may keep them from making any harsh decisions or taking any actions that you don't want them to take.  

  2. If the neighbor can hear the dog then they can make a noise complaint. Have you tried the no bark collar?

  3. I am sure they can file a complaint and you will be fined.

    Why don't you try getting a kong toy and stuffing it, stick it in the freezer and give it to your dog when you are about to leave.  I mix rice krispies and peanut butter.  It takes them a few hours to get everything out if it is frozen and they really enjoy it.  Might help on the nights you are not home.

  4. grab him by the neck are scream shut up!!!!!!! then hit it with a paper or something, i know for a fact that works. it may seem harsh but you  cant let an animal keep you up all night , especially your neiighbourgh. your letting the dog walk all over you. toughen up. no1 wants to hear a dog bark. mine was going to start but i soon put a stop to it, i never hurt her i was just firm. its selfish of you to go out and annoy everyone by leaving it in the house barking. nothing annoys me more than my neighbours dog 6 doors up ******* barking from morning til night.  

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