
What do i do about a sprained ankle, i have vicodin and Tylenol..i triped down the stairs

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it is swollen.




  1. Did you go to the doctors?

    I tripped down my friends doorstep when I was drunk once.  I went to the ER the next day, because I couldnt walk on it.  I went to the ER (when I had health insurance) and all they did was give me Ibuprofen, a little split to keep my foot in, and some crutches.  There really isnt much to do other than that.  It will heal completely in probably 6 weeks.

  2. try soaking it in warm water filled with epsom salt then keep it elevated. only use the vicodin if your in severe pain. If not, try using an anti-inflammatory such as Aleve to help with the pain and rotate that with the tylenol  

  3. elevate your leg and put ice on it and the Tylenol would work but the vicadine will do better  

  4. elevate it and immobilize it.... nothin much else you can do.

  5. Elevate it above the rest of your leg, use a cooling agent to reduce swelling (a cold flannel or a bag of frozen peas would both do - although don't put the frozen peas directly onto your skin!)

    I have no idea whether either of those painkillers would help - if you were in the UK I would advise Ibuprofen for swelling.

  6. Rest Ice Compression and Elevation - RICE

    The best thing to do is make sure you stay off your foot.  Make sure it's elevated on a pillow while your sitting (this will help decrease some of the swelling.)  You can also wrap it in an ace bandage (make sure you wrap towards your heart or it can contribute to more swelling).  

  7. Deal with it like a man.

  8. Get some ice on it, take some vicodin and ibuprofen if you can, that should help

  9. if it is 750 vicodin take one after you

    elevate your leg and you should fall asleep.

  10. Vicodin for a sprain?  Come now.

    Elevate it.  20 minutes hot compress, 20 minute cold compress.  Asparin for swelling and pain.  Put an ace bandage on it snugly, but not so tightly that you lose circulation.  Use crutches if it is bad.  Try not to rely on it too much when walking or standing.

    After time when the swelling and pain subsides some. begin to very easily move it up, down, sideways and all round very slowly.  If you feel any weird pain (like beyond stiffness or mild discomfort) lay off for a while and try again.

    It may take a very very long time for the swelling to go comletely away and your ankle may take a while to regain strength and integrity again.  You will be more prone to spraining that ankle in the future.

    Lay of the pain pills.

  11. That's better than what I did. I feel 5 feet and broke my radius and ulna in my wrist. And I;m right handed so toileting had some new challenges!

    Just be glad you can still wipe your hiney :)

  12. Don't take vicodin.  Just take some ibprofen, ice and elevate.  Ice for at least 20 mins and elevate it above your head.  Once you are capable to, start drawing the alphabet with your toes.

  13. keep it elevated above your heart to relieve the swelling.

    ice packs to help keep the swelling down.

    and stay off the foot  for a while.

    oh and if you do these things the hard narcotics are not necessary. Tylenol will do.






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