
What do i do about a stalker?

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I have a girlfriend who is being bothered by this 21-22 year old guy. He calls her constantly and bugs her telling her stuff that he's goin to go find her and marry her. She only 14. She tryed blocking his call but he found a way around the block and is still harrassing her. Wat should we do about this?




  1. I would have her parents go to the police... since she is a minor and is does not welcome his harrassment, then I am sure they will at least talk to him...

  2. uhh, wouldnt the answer be obvious?? i dont know.. you could try telling her PARENTS, ever thought of that, or you could call the POLICE cuz it is their job to deal with this type of stuff. *sigh* sorry i sounded do mean, bad day... but yea, you should try that.

  3. CALL THE POLICE NOW AND ASK FOR HELP!!!! . . . Please don’t wait for something bad to happen, it may be to late. Its better to protect your self now. . . Then have regrets later. . .

  4. Get the local police involved. Trace and/or record the incoming telephone calls from this perp as evidence of his weirdness. He sounds like a real freak, and needs to be confronted. Good Luck

  5. That sounds really scary. I would tell my girlfriend to start carrying some kind of protection for herself, or go to karate classes. You can call the phone company and ask them to help you. They will work with the police department to catch the guy. But they would want a solution to be permanent. It doesn't sounds like this guyu is real serious but you never know. we do have stalking laws and this situation needs to be placed in them. Please call law enforcement and tell them there is a problem.

  6. By the sound of your question, I am assuming that her parents don't know about it! Any decent parent would have already called the police! It should be fairly easy for them to get criminal charges against him.

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