
What do i do about my MONSTER INN LAW?

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It all started about 2 years ago when she said i gave her the 1 finger as i drove past her ( something i would never do) she has made so many lies up about me now she has told my 6 year old to keep secrets from me , how do i go about this so i don't up set my hubby ? I've had enough .




  1. I know exactly how you feel I too have one of those, yes your husband will be upset but it's up to him to sort this problem out, he needs to  talk to her about the lies especially now that she is working on your son, she more than likely pumps your son  for private information as well. Put your foot down once and for all and insist that he does something about her behaviour don't worry about him being upset that will pass. All the best.

  2. you really need to talk with your mother in law about what she has been doing wrong.. and especially because she is even teaching your kid to keep secrets from you, she is teaching him/her to disrespect you..

  3. confront the old bat! Tell her that she's lived her life and stop meddling in yours. Tell her you'll never stoop to her low, immature, childish level and to leave your child alone. Tell her to grow up and be a real grandma or lose out for good.

  4. Just be pleasant and polite while around her. You might ask your hubby if he would initiate a conversation with her and you all three together. Carefully tell her you would never disrespect her.

    A conversation! Not a screaming match. Then after that, bring your youngster into the conversation and tell her in front of your child that it is important and you are teaching your child it is right to never keep secrets from mom or dad. (unless it is about a Christmas or birthday present.

  5. talk to your husband or atleast keep a camera on while you talk to her and she will let it all out without knowing you have a camera on in the room somewhere recording it all .

  6. If my mother was treating my wife like you claim your mil is treating you, I would want to know.  I suggest that you let your husband know you need to talk about how things have deteriorated between you and the mil.  If you do so reasonably calmly, and lay out the issues & facts as you see them without attacking her, hopefully he will listen.

  7. .Your  first priority is your child how confusing for her to be thrown in the middle of this. Though  she may not show her animosity toward you in front of the child don't you think she can sense it? This women  is robbing the security of your child and perhaps causing her to feel guilty. I had the reverse situation it was my mom. I argued with her many times when she was rude to my husband but when she started saying things to my children I had to cut her off. I wanted them to grow up in a secure and loving environment. You and your husband need to really discuss this situation before it gets out of hand. A person like this  cannot be reasoned with.  The strongest weapon we can give our  children is a strong self esteem. Get that poison out of the garden. Edit Rereading this I realized I was a bit harsh. When I say cut off I mean for a short time till she knows you have no tolerence for this behavior.

  8. Get her on her own, and tell her to wind her neck in.

    Then kick her in the Grotpot if she doesn't do it.

  9. She sounds kinda childish so stoop to her level and challenge her to a fight at the playground after school.

  10. read this carefully. What was she like when you had your 6 year old?    Is she always interfering with you and your kid?

    I think that you should be pleasent to her and expect to be watched all the time. Just bide your time.

    Is your Hubby a mummys boy????

    if you said yes to all of these then your mother in law bassically thought this.

    You took her son away from her when you married him!

    When you had your 6 year old she thought that she could take your son away from you!

    Now she's trying to pin you down as a bad person and maybe a bad mother so she can take her son and grandson away from you.

    Don' let her do this. Just bide yur time.

  11. You can't teach and old dog new tricks. If she isn't willing to be nice than you'll have to keep your distance from her. She will then know that she did something wrong and she won't do it again.  

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