
What do i do about my baby spitting up ?

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he spits up after every feeding, he 4 months old




  1. all babies do this its called possetting.if he is bring up large amounts of feed then take him to the dr as sometimes the opening to the gullet can be can put a powder in his feed which will stop this.

  2. Have lots and lots of extra burp cloths!!

    Unless he's having trouble keeping weight on, or is irritable like he might be in pain.  If he is having these problems, your doctor might consider medications.

    My 5 month old spits up a ton!!  But he's happy, not in pain, and gaining weight great.  So, there is nothing I can do except keep up on the laundry!

    Good Luck!

  3. Some babies are more prone to this than others and usually isn't anything to worry about, but it might be best to mention it to your doctor/health visitor next time you have a check up.

    It could be that your baby is gulping too much air in with his feed and so is spitting up as he does little burps after feeding. Sometimes it helps to feed your baby more slowly, for instance stop him feeding a few times during the feed to wind him.  Also if you are bottle feeding, double check you have the appropriate size hole in the teat, it can be so easy to forget about these things :o)

  4. How much is he spitting up? It's normal for a baby to spit up, but if it's an excessive amount then that runs along the lines of being reflux. Is he gaining weight? You should probably have the doctor check it out just to be safe. Good luck!!

  5. clean it up.  Sorry to say it like that but babies spit up it happens.  

  6. This happens a lot. My grandmother told me that my father spit up all over her back every time she fed him. My daughter spit up a LOT.  With my daughter I had to switch her formula to a low iron, and that helped.    You could also have her checked for acid reflux, a little girl I babysat for had it really bad. She had to take a special medicine for it.   Good luck.  

  7. If he is spitting up a bunch they do make formula for baby that have that problem. He might be eating to fast, slow him down if you can.

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