
What do i do about my friend?

by  |  earlier

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she was dating a guy for about 1 year,they kinda broke up. now shes all over guys and letting them be all over her. she doesnt really dress S****y though. at my 16th birthday party she was flirting with the guy i like. now 1 week into school she really likes this guy whos a complete jerk to me. she just met him like monday,and when i met him he was so rude. somethings just not right about him, so my friend wants to date somebody who wants to treat her friends like jerks. i dont think its right do you?? besides she makes me feel like c**p when she does that stuff because ive never had a boyfriend





    She's your best friend for Pete's sake.

    I actually have a friend like that though, so I kind of know what you're going through. She even flirts with guys I like! Not fun =/

    You need to understand that she's on the rebound and needs to feel wanted.

    So, like I said before, just talk to her. Make sure she knows you're there for her, but also make sure she knows her male friend is a complete jerk!



  2. Well, obviously you can't tell your friend who to date or not, but you should let her know how she makes you feel bad with the things she says.  She probably doesn't even realize she's being rude to you, so let her know that you're hurt by her words.  

  3. oh my goshhh.

    wat kinda friend is that???


    maybe she's is a s**t.

    i know wat kinda position ur in tho.

    she likes a guy that you think is a jerk.

    maybe she's just falling for his looks.

    some guys...

    major hotties total jerks.

    she'll snap outta it.

    i used to like this guy.

    super gorgeous.

    totally manwhoric.

    later on,

    i got over him.

    so it's all okie dope.

    one day she'll learn the guy's an idiot.

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