
What do i do about my needy mother in law??

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she is raising my husband nephew because his mom was a hooker and druggie. and now he is in college. none of her other kids like except my husband. i have a feeling since the grandson is away she going to bother me and my family. I do not want her in our house.

she is selfish and i do not want to spend anytime with her at all/

how can i stop her from being too clingy to my family.

any mean oe insulted answer will be report.




  1. Watch the tv show "everybody loves raymond."  That's the kind of mother in law everybody would hate.  Deborah handles her pretty well.

    The fact that you expect her to bother you invites it.  Seriously.  Try changing your thoughts.  Try positive statements like, "my mother in law is happy and we enjoy a healthy relationship" or something along those lines.  

  2. This is tough one.

    You are either going to let her stay and risk ruining or severely straining your relationship with your husband and then you are going to carry this resentment and become bitter (happened to my Mum).

    Or you can put your foot down and explain to your husband that this is not going to hapen and set down guidelines of when she can visit, how long for and the rules!

    Hope this helps, but that is difficult situation to be in.

    Good Luck!  

  3. You will need to set boundaries with her. I am certain that you are a caring person, & would never consider shutting her out completely. You are probably like most of us, & know where to draw the line with family relations, & she doesn't. So you will have to teach her in no vague or uncertain terms where YOU draw the line.

    If she drops by at an inconvenient time without calling 1st , then TELL HER that now isn't a good time & that it would be better if she called before coming over.

    As long as it's your house then you set the rules, & if she doesn't like it then she can take her needs elsewhere.


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