
What do i do about phimosis? please help?

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im 16 years old, 17 in a few days and have an identical twin brother. i suffer from phimosis and realised a few months back. i am very sad and depressed due to this. i have been stretching the f******n as much as i can. i have been masturbating but i have developed a tear in the skin which is struggling to heal. i cannot go through a day without worrying and feeling terrible. i dont dare go to a doctor and will try everything before circumcision. i havnt told any1 in my family because i am way to embarrased. can someone please give me some sort of guidance or advice as i am lost and demoralised. thanks




  1. Hey, this condition is actually quite common so don't feel alone! The best way to deal with it is to stretch often (usually in the shower) let's say once or twice a day. Eventually the skin will become flexible enough to be pulled back over the head.

    Live life normally! It is by no means a limiting condition. :)

  2. Why are you torturing yourself with this problem.  You are not the only one in the world who has or ever will have a problem.  First of all you need to see an urologist, that is a p***s doctor.  He will give you an idea of what you have to do. Do not try any remedies suggested without seeing a doctor first.  Remember you only have one p***s.  Talk to your dad and tell him you are having pains and need to see a doctor.  

    As for Circumcision, it is not the end of the world.  First of all, you will have no more phimosis, no more worries about tears in the f******n.  If you need support join these groups:

    over 2000 men circumcised as adults from the age 13 to 80 yrs of age.

    see what they have to say.

    Also when your f******n starts to tear, eventually scar tissue forms and will make your f******n less elastic.  here is some info on circumcision itself. It is not the end of the world. Besides, most women prefer circumcised men. it only takes about 30 minutes under local anesthetic. using dissolving sutures.

    here are some sites with excellent info on circumcision and the different styles and methods.

  3. Wait for the tear to heal and put antiseptic cream on it.

    Then, gently and gradually restart the stretching exercises, as outlined on the below websites.

    If you get a tear again, and see no improvement after a few weeks, you must go to the doctor. Tell him you want circumcision to be the last resort, and ask for alternatives. There are steroid creams which can help treat phimosis.

  4. Sonic:

    I am a retired physician.Please do not get into a state about your phimosis, as painful and embarrassing, as this may be. You should go to a doctor eventually altho' there are measures that you can try before going. First, soak in warm water and try to get as much debris cleaned from underneath your f******n every single day. If you cannot get you f******n all the way back behind the glans rim(corona glandis), do not force it. Everything must be done as gently as possible. You can try using a syringe to irrigate beneath the f******n if you cannot get it all the way back. Try using any steroid cream to combat the irritation and inflammation. The less potent ones that you can buy off the drugstore shelf minus a prescription are the safest. More potent ones such as Celestoderm or Betnovate can cause thinning of the f******n after repeated use and thus compounds the problem, making tears happen with the slightest trauma.

    Ointments are not a good bet because they keep the area under you f******n too wet and it is very moist there already. Many anti-fungal and anti-yeast creams are helpful because there is often an element of yeast overgrowth because the steroid creams and the tight f******n encourage this. You may wish to use the antifungal and steroid creams together. Try Hydorcortisone one half strength cream and the anti-fungal of your choice.

    I hope you have a father or male to whom you can go to seek reassurance. Many times ,if the measures I have mentioned previously have not helped ,a dorsal slit or circumcision is necessary. This takes away the narrow area which has established itself on the inner f******n and allows the skin to slide back and forth. You must get rid of the skin that entraps your glans when you retract, otherwise you can develop a serious problem called paraphimosis which can strangulate the glans and is a medical emergency.

    No one wants you to stop masturbating. It is a good thing to do when you are a teenager and have no partner. Masturbation did not cause the problem that you are having. Lots of guys old and young get phimosis. It is not your fault.

    If you need surgery, by all means have it.I do not believe that you will be happy with a dorsal slit. It looks unattractive and does not really mimic the effect of a normal f******n. It is a useful procedure to have done if you need to get rid of severe inflammation. Otherwise, I would have to say from my own experience, do not be afraid of circumcision.

    I was circumcised at age 26 and I have never regretted it for an instant. The people who tell you that it ruins your s*x life and reduces enjoyment and sensitivity are not being truthful with you. Needless to say you need to have an anesthetic to have circumcision performed. This is not as bad has having a tooth frozen at the dentists

    I sincerely believe that my circumcision improved my s*x life and I like mine very much. It looks and feels great. I have never been in the habit of trying to get my patients to undergo circumcision, but if they must have it, then I urge them to do it before the phimosis gets worse and before they become frustrated.

    This is the only time that your s*x drive is going to be this high and you owe it to yourself to act now. This is your choice because at 16 you are considered an adult by doctors and hospitals.

    There are urologists out there who are interested in giving you the best result possible. Look at Pat N.s' answer for other groups that you can visit for advice. Please do not be afraid. My circumcision healed beautifully and painlessly in about a week. If you cannot tolerate the conservative treatment and get 'cut" I think you will be delighted with a circumcision and probably be the envy of your twin brother. Best of luck in your treatment. I shall be happy to hear from you if you have more concerns

  5. I had the same problem.  Try soaking in warm water stretching than applying lotion after.  

    Man, I feel your pain.  

  6. How is the stretching working? It can take a few weeks. About the tear I recommend you leave it alone until it heals maybe put on a healing ointment to help it. If stretching is showing no result I think it's time to investiage other stuff. Unfortunately you would have to see a doctor. If you don't want to tell your parents you could try seeing if there is a free clinic near you. There is a steroid cream available which work to loosen tight foreskins, it is called betamethasone and is very effective. Ask your doctor specifically about that cream and see what they say. If that doesn't work there are surgical options like a dorsal slit (not as extreme as circumcision, which should be the absolute last resort as you are aware). Good luck.


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