
What do i do about these two gerbils

by  |  earlier

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i feel bad for the gerbils at the petstore. i bought two of four and went back like a week later and they still only had those two. i want to buy them but it would be a lot of hassle getting my parents to let me and then introducing them again. should I go for it?? I have all of the supplies for them. my mom said that i couldn't get any more pets but she also said that when i wanted to get the two gerbils i have now.




  1. go for it.  just make sure to use the split cage method if you plan on keeping them together. after 24 hours seperated gerbils dont recognize each other well.  the best way to remind them of each other is letting them know each others scent. i think its a great idea to keep them together.  you could get a tank topper.  that would give all four enough room.   or you could just get a 20 gallon.

    if you plan on seperating them just put them in a seperate 10 gallon.  

  2. I really think you should. Because If you don't they will have to kill them for other gerbils to come in. And you wouldn't like that.

  3. i think its a bad idea to buy the others because here real soon they will start fighting and youll either have to give one away or buy a 10 gallon tank (around 20 bucks) and seperate them or one will be killed by the other

  4. If you think you can handle two more gerbils, go for it. However, I do not recommend you reintroduce them. Instead, get a separate cage/tank for the other pair. It's risky introducing new gerbils to an already-established pair. You may end up with a bloody fight on your hands. How large is the cage/tank you have for them now? It may not even be big enough to house four gerbils.

    EDIT: Probably not. Even litter mates who are separated for two days should be reintroduced using the split cage method. It's much safer, and will help prevent a fight from occurring. I still say it's not a good idea to house them together unless you have a 25-40 gallon tank.

    EDIT: You want to connect a 5 gallon tank with your 10 gallon tank now and house all four together? That's too small. It's best to give the new pair you want to get their own tank.

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