
What do i do about this girl in school??

by  |  earlier

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hey i go to a middle school and there is this girl who is really hot... i told one of my friend that i liked her and then my friend told the girl!!! i know her email and all but i dont know what to say and all, please help me like come up with things to say or whatever






  1. make small talk for about a week or two, then if things are going good, then just ask her in person if she wants to go out with you.

  2. Honestly just tell her whats on your mind.  But don't your really hot.  Just be yourself.  Tell her something like since the first day I saw you I don't seem to get you out of my mind.  You give me chills everytime I see you.  Has she talked to you?  Does she know who you are?  introduce yourself.  just be honest and don't be a pig.  girls hate it when a guy talks nasty to them.  So be proper and yourself.

  3. well first you should be her friend. Make jokes with her if her books fall pick them up for her. and like you guys will become best friends. She'll come on to you after that!

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