
What do i do about this guy???

by  |  earlier

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okay we're gonna call this guy "boo" .... yesterday i was at a park with my friend and "boo" and then out of the blue my friend txted him and said that we think that he is hott...and he is see i've liked him for a year now and the feeling wont go after my friend txted "boo" he txted me back saying he though i was too...but the problem is that he has a gf and they are on and off again and stuff like that but right now they are on...any way my after we left the park my friend left and told me that she liked "boo" and i was like great that's cool....i didn't tell her that i really liked after i got home i was txting "boo" and we where talking and then we went on the computer and im each other and i had told him something and he asked me why i said that it didnt matter and he said whatever matters to you matters to me.....then i told him i like him alot but that i couldnt like him because he has a gf and my friend likes him and he just said that...."so just cause u like me doesnt mean ur gonna try and get with me it also doesnt mean that u have to act on any of those feelings just give it time and the feeling will pass..."...but they havent...and they wont...i dont know what to do..i cant like hiim can i?




  1. Well it sound like he is happy in the relationship that he is in, for now at least. Just give it time and when he breaks up with his girlfriend start up a conversation with him again. Then he will be available and you are free to do whatever you want with him.

  2. You can like him. If he likes you and you like him why shouldn't you go out with him? Unless he likes your friend too, then you can't.

    Go out with him -thats what im saying!

  3. last I checked it was a free country so you can like who ever u wanna like. :) haha i was in the same sitch for like a year. Just remember everything happens for a reason

  4. i say if he and his gf break up you should give it a try..cuz its okay to like him...and why should you give up on a guy cuz your friend randomly decides that she likes him?

    trust me..if you want him..TAKE HIM..cuz i was exactly in your postions.well sorta..this guy i was like totally in love with asked me out..and i said no cuz my friend like him..i told him that i wanted to be with him but i couldnt betray i asked him if he could wait until her feelings passed..he said yes..but then a while later he asked someone else out..i was shattered..they fortunatly didnt last long..and all my friends were telling me that he was gonna ask me out..and i was so happy cuz my friend michelle that liked him before didnt like him anymore..anyways.i went outta town for spring break..and he intended to ask me out as soon as i got back..but he ended up hooking up with my BEST friend while i was gone..and they both knew how it would effect me..they eventually started dating and stayed together for over a and her stopped being friends cuz she knew i liked him still and that made her not like me and she spread rumors around that i was trying to break them up so i had people trying to jump please..for your sake..if you want to date it...cuz i bet you anythig that your friend would do it to you if she had the opportunity. people only live life for themselves and nobody stays friends take a chance..if she doesnt understand..then she's not worth being friens with anyone cuz its stupid to fight over a guy. what you feel is best...good luck're gonna need it.

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