Do i tune it to the normal and leave it alone for a while? If so, how long.
its a fender Stratocaster American Standard.
a little story,
i stung my guitar today and was tuning it because i wanted to play a little. I played the high E string and it snapped. guess what happend.... the string freaking stabbed me!!!!!! right thought my ring finger! went so close to the bone. but anyway, thats why i want to take the nessesary actions when stringing a guitar.
one more thing...
should i use only super bulled strings on my fender strat? because i had to re-string my guitar and i wasted the super bullets, one of which stabbed me. the other strings i got are were fender strings, but not super bullets( wasent paying attention and bought only one pack of super bullets) the other pack was just Super 250s.
im rambling on, i'll stop...