
What do i do at my first horse show ?

by  |  earlier

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i am going to be showing for the first time and im really really nervous. i have no clue what im supposed to do in the ring . i ride english and im just going to be doing walk trot canter .... ! :-/ how will i be judged ? what do i wear ? please help . thanks !




  1. First off, you want to spend a lot of time grooming, washing, and generally making your horse look spankin' gorgeous! I recommend you do this without your show stuff on, because you'd be amazed at how much it picks up dirt.

    Speaking of show wear, if you are riding hunter, which, when you say walk, trot, canter, it sounds like you'll be doing, you'll want the following:

    -tan breeches

    -tall black boots

    -a navy blue, green, or grey coloured huntcoat (you can often get them at english talk stores, or if all else fails, online)

    -a black, preferably velvet helmet but it doesn't really matter

    -a white or light coloured shirt to go under your huntcoat

    For what to do in the ring, the judge will most likely call out the commands to you. He/she may say "walk on", or "posting trot" or give a command like this. You basically follow his instruction on what to do. Remeber basic arena rules. Don't get too close to someone riding, or cut people off. Just ride safe and ride your best!

    At the end, there is sometimes a ribbon presentation. They may ask all the participants to line up in the center of the ring with their numbers facing the judge. The judge will then call out the numbers of the people receiving ribbons. Sometimes ribbons are presented after other classes have gone. Many shows have slightly different ways of doing it.

    Make sure you warm up and get to the show with plenty of time. Bring water, and any other things your horse may need. Think about the show day and think about what you may end up needing as you go through it.

    Last, bring a horsey buddy! Even a non-horsey buddy will do too. It's always nice to have somebody to grab you something when you might not be able to, and help calm you down a bit before a class.

    I hope I helped, and lots of luck on your show!

  2. I no how u felt! I was a nervous wreck when i first had a show, but it turned out just fine!!

    For grooming, your horse has to look like it is worth a million bucks these days. Really what that means is have them on a really good feeding program, deworming program, and of course to be groomed every day! All these thing will result to a beautiful glowing horse. Also make sure you clip their bridle path!! I would usually bathe my horse before the show, and braid her mane and tail (if you dont kow how to do so go on any horse website really and look it up). then i would put a light blanket on and a slinky, then put them up for the night.

    Then it so happens its your turn to get the rest of it ready! Tack you would need is an english/hunt type saddle (w/ pad), english bridle, and if you want wraps for the legs. All of this tack can be found at a tack shop. If you would need help, ask a store manager. Also the day before I usually clean all my tack and close. And dont forget to make your bit nice and shinny!! I also check to make sure i have everything ready to go. Then i load the tack in the trailer.

    The day OF the show I groom my horses coat and put a spray on the make them shine (read the directions, beacuse i wonce put on a spray that made my saddle slid every where!!)

    When you enter a class, enter sitting up straight, hands in front of you pomel, heels down, and a happy look on your face. Your horse should be moving swiftly off your cues, with a nice head collection. You two should look like one together. Really remember that the judge looks for first impressions!! The speed you enter decides what ever the judge asks for. Dont even worry a bit about the other riders, just focous on you and stay on the rail.

    The judges look for: RIDER

    -hands, to see if they are still, and in place.

    -legs, steady and also in place

    -seat, not bouncy, but moves with horse

    -face, happy and looking forward

    -body, sitting straight in the saddle


    -smoothness, and long strides

    -nice head collection

    -has a long stride at the trot

    -listens to riders cues

    -moves swiftly(without hesatation) into new transition

    For warmup I usually walk two rounds, then trot two rounds, and then canter. I really pay attention to my seat and how the horse carries its self. Do bending work and so on. It is always nice to have someone on the side ring to tell you if you are slouching, or sitting up nicley, ect. Or to see if your horse is moving nicley with you.

    Practice really hard, and you will have great results!!!

    I wish you luck!!!

  3. Now you are telling US that you entered a Horse Show

    And have no Idea what it is about ..?

    Sorry !!

    Not to be rude,,, I wish you the best of luck !


    But if you do not know what to wear,,, I think you need some one that will babysit you thou it

    Yes of course you''ll be judged,

    No really ,,,you have to know these things before you show hon,,

    Find a trainer near you to help ,,or find a friend that has shown before and ask them

    Or Better yet Go to a show first and then you'll see what you need ,, TO wear and what to do ,,

    This  what I think you really should do:: IS Go To A Show And Watch ,,!!!!

    , It sounds like you have never shown ?

    Better to know these things way ahead ,, before you show .

    Get some one to help you!!!!

  4. Your trainer should have walked ya thru all this.

    If ya don't have a trainer, then ya should attend a show w/o participating, to give yourself a general feel for how things are done.

    Suggestions 1 and 2 are actually quite helpful.

    Have fun and good luck!

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