
What do i do? does my friend like me?

by  |  earlier

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ok so heres the story: im a boy, 15, and i like girls and boys(i like girls more) and i have a BIG crush on one of my best friends. he is 14 and i dont know what his sexuality is. we hang out with each other basically around once a week and we talk to each other everyday. and its him that texts me everyday and asks me whats up and stuff. and i love it when he texts me everyday like that everyday just to see whats up and whats goin on cuz it shows he really likes me. he has sent me text fwds that say stuff like "i love you dork, send this to 10 dorks u love" and i replied back "love u 2 dork lol" and there r very few boys i kno that have they courage to say that they love another boy and risk being called a *** by other kids. another thing is the only time i ever heard him say a g*y slur was when he was quoting something. and i have never said anything was g*y or someone was a *** to him. the thing is that i love him for those reasons, and yes dont tell me im to young to know what love is cuz even if it isnt romantic love it is platonic love, i do find him sexually attractive but the thing tht is hot about him is how different he is from other boys r age. idk what i should do cuz i dont want to make a mistake right now and ruin an amazing friendship but i cant keep it bottled up..i think right now everyday,everytime we talk or see each other or whatever the truth gets a little more revealed.




  1. I would just ask him like my ex boyfriend did to me he didnt kno i was bi but he just asked me and i said yes  

  2. Just like you said, there are very few guys out there that have the courage to actually say "I love you" in any way (whether as a playful joke or whatnot) and not worry if they will be called g*y or ***. So I just have to say that you are very fortunate to have met someone like that. You are lucky.

    But anyways, For him to send something like that, he could either:

    1. Have sent it as a joke


    2. He was testing you to see what you would say because he might like you.

    Just the fact that he is texting you/keeping contact with you like he is, could mean something. But that's not a sure thing. My friend did the same for me. In fact when I left high school, he's the one who kept contact with me. Through myspace. Emailing me every day. I liked him and he did things that made me wonder but he is straight.

    He is just a really loving friend. People like that you hold on to. Your friend may very well be g*y but it's not a sure thing unless he tells you directly. Don't ever assume anything. Keep talking to him. It's frustrating, but it seems there is something there between you two. Only saying this because my friend never told me he loved me (through words anyways, but his actions said so). Since your friend said this, there might be something.

    Just be patient. Things happen when they are supposed to.

  3. honey, i think he may be interested but you can't shy away

    keep the relationship up with him and you don't even have to be super serious, just lead to the topic about relationships, even somewhat slightly close and say "so, you got anyone on your mind lately?"

    Or you could just like bring up how annoyed you are with people who are homophobic, and ask him on his opinion about it.  

    Besides, it seems he's a good enough friend, so he would be completely honest with you if you ask him certain things.

    I hope things go well for you, tell me how it ends up :]

  4. There's no real way to tell. He could be curious himself too. The ONLY way to be certain is to ask him, and as hard as that may sound, it's not impossible, and if he's a real friend, he's not going to hold it against you.

    Now, you can tell where his interests are by following his eyes, however, you can make a fool of yourself too, if you're not good at it. But again, it's easier to just ask.

    Best of luck! ;)

    PS-I don't find age a factor in 'love'. I find maturity a factor there, and you seem very mature. If you have any specific questions, feel free to e-mail me from my profile.

  5. Does he know you like guys???  Maybe if you told him that he would let you know some stuff about his preferences.  If you want to be subtle about telling him, point out a guy who is attractive to you and tell him what you think.  It sounds like he is a good friend and wouldn't freak out if you liked guys, and it also sounds like he may have a crush on you too.  Just make a move already!!!

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