
What do i do from here????

by  |  earlier

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Well after years for trying to conceive. We have answers. It’s me! I had blockages in both tubes. Well I had surgery done with hopes of unblocking them. During the surgery the doctor found they were too damages to fix, so he removed them. So all my hope and dreams age gone. The only option we had now is IVF! I called my insurance several months back to see IVF was covered and was told yes but after further looking I called back and asked again and its NOT!! But the costs of one cycle being 10’s thousand dollars it way out of reach 4 us! How do I deal with this? I don’t know how I am going to break this to my hubby!




  1. aww hunny im so sorry to hear that my friend is also in the same situion due to eptopics but fortuntly she already has a beautiful son here in the uk you get one free go on the ivf then its 2500  to go private  there is also the opition of adoption and sweetie if your husband loves you that much he will understand  so sorry to hear hun i really am good luck what ever you decide xx

  2. Have you looked into the idea of a surrogate? Adoption?  

  3. I'm so sorry Angie. I know how it must hurt.

    Yes it is expensive but if IVF is something you really want to try, you do have options. You can take out a loan and make small payments. Also, there is a program called Shared Risk where you pay in and get all of your money back if you do not take home a baby. I am about to start my fourth cycle and it is a struggle for us to pay. My insurance doesn't cover a penny. In our case we are willing to struggle a bit for a child of our own, no matter the costs. Another thing, some clinics do clinical studies where they will cover some or all of the cost for you to participate. If I can find the link, I will send it to you.

    For those who suggest adoption, it's not like going in to a pet shop. Adoption is not a cure for infertility and it is truly hurtful advice. It is much more complicated, expensive, invasive, and time consuming than people realize. After all that you go through and money and time spent, in the end there is no guarantee that you will have a child to hold in your arms. The LAST thing women who are struggling to have a children want to hear from you is "why don't you just adopt." Check out this article and think twice next time you decide to offer this advice, please.

    Wrap your arms around your baby and squeeze tight Angie. I hope you find your answers.

  4. Tell him it's ok. Have you thought of adopting or getting a surrogate mother?

  5. Hi, sorry to hear this news, but do take comfort that you have a beautiful 15yr old. Most people don't even get to have 1 child. Cherish her. Good Luck x*x.

  6. Adoption is the best choice, once you hold your baby in arms it will be no different if he or she is adapted or not. its only that you have to prepare your mind set before adaption.

    Sorry you had this problem, but please remember Life is short, be happy in what you are blessed with, maybe something worse was in store for you and by grace of God only less harm has been done, you are saved with a little loss rather than a total disaster.

    Just be frank and open with your husband, its not your mistake that you are afraid to disclose, its a medical issue and anybody can land into situations due to medical reasons.

    All the best of both worlds to you.

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