
What do i do!!!? i REALLY need help..?

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this is rally scary so please dont give me stupid answers like "eww ur gross"..well anyways im 15...2 months ago i was suppose 2 go to my friends house (mary) but i went to a kick back instead n my friends drank and got high then this s**y guy "leo"(24 yrs) was getting close to me,we talked and made out and we eventually did it without a condom..well idk if it was concidered rape cause i was high but idc about that..i think i might be pregnant and idk what to do because i have a boyfriend and if i tell my parents they might kick me out...what do i do?




  1. Based on "Leo's" age compared to yours, he can be charged with rape seing that you are still a minor. The influence of substances can really mess people up, and make them do silly things, but your only option is to tell you parents. If you have a really close relative that you can speak with first before you parents, go right ahead.

    In time, they will need to know though because, it will be your parents that you may lean on for support. f your boyfriend doesn't know, you should at least have the confidence to tell him all, cause what you don't say, can ruin your relationship.

    what you can do to cope with being pregnant, is to take a lot of vitamins and seek medical attention (doctor's visits, medication of needed, etc.). It is a known fact that girls our age face serious risks of putting themselves and the babies lives in danger for:

    (1) having a baby while your body has not fully developed- having a baby at a really young age.

    (2) not visiting the doctor to have check up's on the babies status (if it's breathing, etc.).

    it's all about being aware. If you can not take care of the baby, when it's born, out it up for adoption. Don't kill it because you really never know what he/she will become in later years.

    Take a pregnancy test, and really seek to talk to an adult that you can trust, before you want to mention anything to your parents. Or, ask the older adult to tell your parents for you.

    It's your choice.

  2. God bless you and

    good luck with this situation

    my friend!!!!!!!!!

  3. Go buy a test and take it.

  4. buy a test at the drugstore take it..

    if negative, learn your lesson, also consider STD testing.

    if positive, it will be a bumpy ride, but Project Cuddle will help you through your pregnancy, assuming you decide to keep the baby.

    Brace yourself, and find an adult you trust, relative or friends parent etc, that will help you through everything your parents won't.

    good luck girly

  5. Yes it is considered rape, but not like regular forced s*x rape. It's statutory rape which means he's over the age of consent and you're under it.

    You can go to the cops if you want, but remember that this will hurt your reputation. People will start saying that you're a s**t and you give it up, but then you get scared and rat on guys.

    Take a test to see if you're pregnant. If you are you have some choices: get an abortion, keep the baby, or put it up for adoption which means you still have to carry the baby to term and deliver. The latter two means you have to tell your parents and deal with the consequences. And also your boyfriend.

    If you aren't: don't be foolish and make the same mistake twice!

  6. Okay. Well, the first thing that you need to do is go buy a test.

    If you test negative, lucky you, try not to do it again because you might not be so lucky next time. If you test positive, you need to try to be calm. You need to think of a way to reasonably tell your parents. Sure your parents are probably going to get angry, but they will help you. As for your boyfriend, I don't know what to say. It still might be considered rape but not the forced kind. And the guy would get into trouble because your a minor and he's not.

  7. You should get a test and see if you are. If you are, then you should tell your parents you are going to give the baby up for adoption when they are born. Or get an abortion, but I am strongly against that idea.

  8. you should go to a teens clinic and talk to someone that wiuld help you their and tell them ur situatuation not of what u did but that u would like to take a pregnacy test ... if is negative good for you ... if is positive talk to a adult someone you can trust ...... or another option go to a pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test and do it and wait for results good luck....

  9. wow i bet you learned your lesson...naw but buy a test take it and stop worring....and no more drinking and getting high and haveing s*x with nasty 24 yr olds

  10. This is y you dont do drugs or guys way older than u.

  11. Go to walgreens or cvs and buy a test. If you happen to find out that you are, well you have two choices a) depending on your faith have a shmoshortion( word that rhymes with that, lol) a( there is a chemical pill that does it. You can go to planedparenthood, depending on your state.and have it done b) tell your parents  Because you are 15, theres not much you can do, unless you can get a job and save some money to move out... Good luck and I hope your not preggers!

    p.s dont wait too long to take that test!

  12. Yip, that's the problem with you 15 year olds, you just "idk" about everything. Next time keep your d**n pants on if you have to get drunk and do drugs. If you are pregnant and your parents kick you out, I hope you learned your lesson. Next time think before you act.

  13. If you are only 15 then how would you know that you are pregnant apart from the obvious?  And if you consented to having s*x and making out with anybody then why would you want to blame it on a rape case.  If you are going to play with fire then you have to expect you might get burnt.  I do not blame the guy at all because you obviously went looking for some action and can I say you have well and truly got it; however it is no good crying over spilt milk.  You need to face what has happened and face the consequences which may well mean losing your current boyfriend (and why would you not blame him, as I am sure that if he played up on you then you would leave him as well) and having to deal with your parents.  I am sure that they won't kick you out!  Why would they.  We all make mistakes.  My daughter once fell pregnant at a young age and we talked about it and had something done about it.  She is now 30, is married and has just had her first baby. If you can say that you have learned and grown and moved on from this then you are half way there.  Go to your parents if you are pregnant and tell them and as your parents they will love you and help you.  If you are not pregnant then thank your lucky stars and learn from this experience and move on with the more fun stuff that a 15 year should be doing.  Why not leave the grown up stuff until you are grown up, there is plenty of time for that later in life.  Good lucky honey!

  14. U might just have 2 suck this 1 up and be a woman bout it... tell ur parents and your b/f if he's a keeper he might get upset but sooner or later he'll realize wht he has and everyone makes mistakes!

    hope i helped

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