
What do i do i still love her??

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my wife and i have been having some marriage problems and she tells me she loves me but she is not in love with me what do i do to make her see how much i love her and how do i get her to fall in Love with me again i have told her i want my family back her me and our son 8 months old any idea would be greatly appreciated




  1. she has someone else, that's the usual thing they tell u when they are cheating or want to cheat. what person who loves their spouse would risk hurting them like this,only a person who was looking for a way out.

  2. First things first, relax. Your son is the most important factor here. Be a good father and do what's right for him. Let your wife have her space and time to herself to work on things that might be creating the problem. Remind her gently here and there that you love her and the son you share. Suggest that you want what's right for your son and get counseling. This way you both can get some feedback on the relationship and how to move forward.

  3. no offense, but she has that baby... it's hard to have enough love for both of you! i feel that way sometimes.. you just have to woo her again.. act like you are trying to win her over, not "keep her around" put on the charm, offer to watch the baby while she rests or gets out of the house.. try to allow her to have enough energy to love you.. babies are exhausting.. that's probably where the problem is coming from.. all of her love being directed to baby and all of her energy being directed to baby.. direct your time love and energy to the baby and she'll have more time for you!;...

  4. find out what the true underlying issue is and then solve from there. it doesn't sound like she is telling you everything.

  5. She's saying she does love you overall but not romantically.  Only you know why.  Is she seeing someone else?  I have to agree with another answerer as I don't feel she is telling you everything.  You can't make her do anything but you can ask her why she fell out of love with you and ask if there is anything you can change.  Maybe she does just need time.  You need to have another talk with her.  

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