
What do i do if a friend tells me he has an abusive dad?

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my friend has told me that his dad hits him. what do i do?




  1. Depends on how old he is, and the conditions under which his dad hits  him. If it is disciplinary, then there is nothing you can do. If it is random abuse then you should tell your parents or contact the police as soon as possible.

  2. he should tell the authorities..

  3. Tell your parents!

    hopefully they will talk to you about it and then help your friend get help :)

    hopee i was some helpp :)

    good luck to yerr friend.

  4. Team up with yo friend and charge that ***** with Razor blades and lemon juice!

  5. call the cops...tell an adult...get the friend out NOW!

  6. tell your parents.

  7. it really depends...if he's exaggerating you don't want to get his dad in trouble

    get more details if it's clearly assault i'd tell your parents, but if it's just being used as form of discipline ask him if how it's affecting him emotionally.

  8. This is tough because it depends on how he hits him on whether it is considered abuse.  Also, if he is willing to state to others besides you that what his dad does.  Talk to him about getting help.  His dad has no right to be abusive and he can get help.  Just remember that if his mother is not willing to take action to keep him protected he will be placed either in foster care or if the courts allow with another relative.  His mother would have to prove she was a fit parent as well since she was not stopping this from happening.  He may not want to deal with this and therefore takes the abuse.  Best of luck.

    Maybe the first thing he could do is to talk to his mother and explain what is happening to see if she will even listen to the problem.

  9. If your friend is under 18, he needs to report child abuse.  He can talk with his school canceler,  the child abuse center, dial 911 but he needs to talk with someone.  His father is a child abuser and needs help.  Have you seen bruises on him?  Take pictures of any bruise and show them to the authorities.

    If your friend is 18 and order, he needs to move out of the house.  You are not considered a child at 18 and older.

    What can you do to help your friend, just be their for him to talk to and to confide in.  You might go with him when he reports his abuse to someone.


  10. well u and ur friend can double team ur friends abusive dad

    that should stop the abuse or only increase it

  11. Be there for him, support him, let him know he has choices and options.

    Maybe make him a spare key for your place, so he has somewhere to go.

    Real abuse, as opposed to a parent disciplining or mutual fights between a young man and his father, is usually more verbal and emotional than physical. So it may be the attitude and guilt and insults more than the hitting that really wears him down. If you can support and encourage him to see this is NOT ok, he can make the choices himself to leave, stand up, call someone, etc. It is very hard to fix domestic violence from the outside.

  12. Tell your parents, teachers, or police. It doesn't matter who you tell at least tell someone that will do something about it.

  13. if hes under 18 call the police and DCF

  14. If you think your friend is in danger tell your parents or a teacher or preacher. If you dont think your friend is in danger then talk to him about why this is happeneing

  15. Call child services,tell your parents they can help, or call the police  

  16. try all you can do to save him

    call the cops

    do what ever you have to do

    one friend of mine had an abusive father and almost everytime i saw him he had a bruise either on him arm, face, sometime his back

    i called the cops because i knew that he wouldnt and that he wanted out of that house

    now he is living a better life

  17. Definitely  be there for the friend.  Take  pis for them on your camera  with date stamped.  Have  this friend keep a diary as to what brought the abuse  on.  It needs to  be reported  or he needs to move out . Report  the date, mood of dad, etc  No  any child needs to report with the school counselor or preacher .  

  18. That old is he?

  19. Um, Well I think you should Tell your parents, older sibling(s), or someone you can really trust, because you don't know if your friends life can be in danger. whenever someone tells you that's a big step for them to reach out to you. my friend died at the hands of her father, so try to prevent another horrific accident and try to do all you can for your friend! hope this helps :)

  20. Tell your mom or dad.  Call 911 to contact the police or call your social services agency/protective services.

  21. First, go to an adult you trust at school and tell them. They are required BY LAW to file a complaint with the state.

    If no one will listen to you... This is what I did...

    My friend lives in Ohio.

    I went on to hotmail and made a ONE TIME USE email address.

    I went to google (well, actually but same thing) and got about 50 email addresses for EVERY SINGLE STATE EMPLOYEE AND DEPARTMENT I could find.

    I wrote up one letter that spelled everything out in black and white, including the names of the parents, addresses, phone numbers, exc.

    Then ended it with a check list off of their Department of Health and Family Services that spelled out 'what is abuse' then ended it with:

    "Knowing about child abuse and doing nothing about it is a crime in and of itself. I do not know who to contact to help my friend so I am begging you to please forward this to the appropriate agency so that action can be taken to save my friend's life."



    I must have sent this 3 page long email to over 100 state and local employee email addresses.

    With in a week, Child Protective Services was at his school making sure he was ok.


    If I knew what I know now back when I was a child in an abusive home, I would have printed up flyers with big bold letters and my mother’s picture that said “Physically abusive parent – Caused by Alcoholism BEWARE!”

    Because it is KEEPING THESE THINGS SECRET that allows them to continue.

    If you care about your friend, you will find an anonymous way of informing the proper authorities of his abusive situation.

  22. Tell someone responsible!!!

    Thats not right.

  23. tell someone

  24. My dad hit me twice and I deserved it.  Does this kid deserve it?  If you guys are like under 14 and he's giving him bruises then it's probably not good.

  25. Be there for him. Just be his friend.  Don't always be asking him about his dad.  He needs you to help him take his mind off the abuse and be something positive and normal in his life.  Don't go around telling all your friends; it will just embarrass him and make him seen as the "abused kid."  Give him as much normal happiness as possible.

    Talk to your parents (if you live at home) and tell them about what he said.  Ask if you can offer your friend a temporary place to run to if the abuse gets bad.  Ask your parents to help you think of ways that your friend can get help if he can't stay at home.  There are organizations that do help abused kids.  Look on the Internet for some in your area.  When you have found some, tell your friend you know of some options. But don't aggressively push the options on him.  He will let you know if he is ready for them.

    Do not mess with his dad at all.  It's better for you to stay out of it.  Just be someone your friend can trust and depend on.

  26. you really shouldn't do anything. it can be really personal. don't go off telling people. even your parents, because they might go and tell other people and it will not be a good situation. talk to him and ask if you can do something. tell him that you can tell your parents and they can get help for him. just don't go around telling people, because that is probably the last thing he wants.

  27. If it's a kid, tell an adult.  

  28. yeah it really depends on how old he is.

    i think you should either report it to a guidance councelor, tell a trusted adult, or your parents.

    its really important that you tell someone cause your friend could be in a lot of danger and you have to help him.

    this is serious.

    you have to help your friend.

    good luck

  29. talk to a teacher or ur parents to tell the cops, or u do it directly, my friend's dad did the same

  30. If it is really abuse you tell your parents or school counselor.

    If he is being disciplined, then that is not abuse.Find out for sure first.

  31. He must be a good friend, & you obviously care a great deal about him or you wouldn't be asking. Your friend told you this for a reason (whether or not he realizes it). Go talk to a teacher or school counselor...they are legally obligated to report. Abuse is very well defined, and being hit is just 1 form of abuse. Sure the bruises and broken bones heal, but the scars the mind, soul, & self esteem experience do not heal without proper help & unlike a bruise that heals in a matter of a short time, the experience of the abuse can scar the victim for a lifetime. You have the ability to make a difference & to let your friend know just how much you value his friendship, speak up or you may be attending his funeral if his dad loses it completely!

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