
What do i do if i have 179 virusies in my computer

by  |  earlier

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p.s it is the worst types of virus




  1. boot in safe mode...which is F8 on most computers. Just hit it before the windows loading sceen comes up then run the antivirus program in safe mode. if you dont already have one boot in safe mode with networking and try to find one fast online.

  2. Install Linux so you'll never get another virus

  3. I want to suggest to all the closet pervs out there that p**n sites are not the only places you can get a virus. That being said, I also warn against clicking on all the popups you will get telling you to try their own brand of virus and registry cleaners. The trick here is for you to invite the virus into your computer. Most of them leave something behind, then you have to buy their 'cleaner' to get rid of it. It will cost you a ton of money and wreck your computer. It's a scam to get you to buy something you don't need.

    I recommend Windows Live Onecare. It is the BEST of all the security systems out there. For an annual fee of about 50 bucks it will cover your a$$ very well. If you go to the site you can also get a free 90 day trial. It will clean up the mess, and protect you. If it doesn't clean up your unit, try a system restore, going back  to before you picked up the bug. If that doesn't work, do a system recovery. I had to run the recovery three times to get the virus all the way out of my system. I also suggect you get the windows liveonecare and good luck.

  4. If your have tried all type of anti-virus programs and they cannot remove the viruses.

    The only option you have is to reformat your hard disk and reinstall windows OS.

  5. I know a company that help with almost any computer problem. They are btexpress computer repair. They are great. I went to them and they know what they are doing. I love what they done to my computer. It was not fast and had viruses on it but, now it is clean and fast as lighten. If you would like to visit them the link is in my profile. btexpress computer repair is great

  6. reformat your hard drive.

    1: try to back up any important documents, pictures , media onto a removable device ( usb stick, cd rom, dvd, etc)

    2: reformat you computer, reinstall operating system, drivers, etc

    3: reinstall your programs.

    this is the only guaranteed way to clean your computer. If youhave that much of an infection, a reformat is the only way to go.

  7. wow u must look at a ton of p**n.....assuming u have a virus software with a scanner run a scan and get them in your virus vault and then delete all of them.......if u dont have virus software download one and then run a available is avast...........p**n is s*x movies and pictures

  8. Reformat your computer and install a new OS on it.

  9. well, you can try avast (it's free, pretty good) but if your able to tell how many viruses you have, than i guess than you have a AV... well i guess the only thing you can do is wipe out your computer DONT FORMAT IT!!!!!!! formating wont get ride off all the virusses aspecially if you have some rootkits, i'd suggest getting "diskcleaner" (google it) and making a bootable disk (with nero) and cleaning out your HD, then if you have an extra XP disk laying around, call up microsoft and get say "my computer got virused and i was wondering if i could have a new serial key" than reinstall it. if you want to make sure that this doesn't happen again, download ubuntu linux... linux does not get/have many viruses, anyway, hope you fix it

  10. stop looking at p**n online. (:   Get a anti-virus program, and fix it.  

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