
What do i do if i have a 2" p***s

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I have a 2" p***s when hard, and condoms don't stay on, i am 2" long and 1 or 1/2 inch diameter, when fully erect. I am 18 what should i do about s*x?




  1. HOLY c**p

    Get surgery unless you want to stay with a 2" d.i.c.k for the rest of your life.

  2. Isn't it high time for you to go see a urologist and don't carry this burden with you ?There is a lot they can do nowadays.


  3. Become a woman.

  4. wow your 18??? well u can c if some kind of pill can help or a pump

  5. your best bet is a p***s pump or try some enlarging pills such as extenze.

  6. an hero

  7. thank god for what he gave you... and move on.

  8. No offence.. but uv actually got the wolds smallest d**k. I read tehy guy with smallest d**k in the world was 21/2 icnhes wen erect.. so DUDE GO AND GET FAMOUS!!!

  9. go to a doctor and ask him about it. sometimes it's because theres too much fat down there, or a blood valve won't get enough blood to go into your thing. can't help you with s*x though

  10. if circumcised it is possible for a little length to be held back from too much skin removed, if you do consider having surgery keep in mind you will need extra shaft skin so if you follow what's done in non-surgical f******n restoration you will have the skin needed for lengthening without having to get a skin graft or have super tight skin afterwards  

  11. in all honesty the way my partner says it is perfect if i had the choice between spending my life holding u an telling u i love you or spending our lives in the bedroom basically i dont even need to think bout it.  If someone wants to be with you or love you they will love all of you not just ur size.  and s*x doesnt have to be just bout penetration there is so much more to s*x and life.

    Just use your imagination and experiment lol

    Also one last best piece of advice i can give is to control ur body dont let ur body control u.

    Good luck hope i helped

  12. your p***s is fine and don't let anyone tell you it isn't. you can have s*x easily with 2" p***s. use your tongue and your fingers and you'll be fine.

    if a girl likes you enough to have s*x, she won't care how long your p***s is. treat her right, look after her and p***s size shouldn't matter.


  13.    v have you ever heard of talk s*x with sue johanson ?   she could help you out . im sure there are small condoms out there somewhere .  

  14. avoid it.

    Girls are not going to be very happy when they see that.

  15. don't worry yar.........

    me too like that only

  16. You might really have a 5 inch beast. But in alot of people there is a few inches of fat around the pelvic region. Get an erection and Push firmly around the base of your p***s, into your body. This will either tell you that you have a longer p***s but you've just got a bit of fat in the pelvic region. Or you just have a small p***s.

    I'd avoid s*x just to save you the embaressment, visit your doctor.

  17. Duddddddde where's my car? My little finger is bigger and fatter than you wang!!! Do you have a long tongue?











  19. well that sucks.

  20. You could try surgery to extend the size, and remember, for every 10kg of body weight you lose, your p***s will grow 1 inch. Think about it...

  21. get the women drunk and it wont matter


  22. Wow, these answers are cruel and terrible. Basically, you might have a condition called micropenis, and I would talk to a doctor about your options.

    Here's some good news. Almost all of the nerve endings in a v****a are around the opening and a few inches deeper, so while it may not be as enjoyable as it might be with a bigger p***s, it's not a waste at all.

    There are options and there are girls out there. Don't lose hope.

  23. dude,  thats horrbile. im gonna have nightmares after reading this post....eeeekkkkkkkk.  if it were me id stay as far away from girls as possible.  

  24. Hottie ;)

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