
What do i do if i like the guy my friend does?

by  |  earlier

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hes really cool, and nice, i dont know what to do.

My friend is really crazy about him and i dont know what to do

He called me yesterday. we talked for a while. he said im really fun to talk to , he said that im the only person hes talked to that doesnt give him short answers like " ok , gotcha,what now? and so on"

Hes really cool , i like him, he likes my friend. and ya, but idk if hes starting to like me, but idk if he did ask me out, idk if i could do that to my friend

UGH so cofuzzled





  1. It really depends on how close you and  your friend are

    if she's more important to you than a guy  and he likes her too,  let her have him      but if she's not that great of a friend  and he doesn't like her,    and likes you back,   he's fair game :)

  2. friendship is the best thing to have in this wrld cause when the boys come and go the friends stay with you so in my opinion i wouldn't do that to your friend but if he likes you and you like him to and you want to give him a chance and you feel like you can find someone else for your friend to crush on then you could always do that. i mean me and my best friend went through that we both liked this guy and he asked me out i said yes cause at the time i didn't know that she liked him to and well we didn't work out he moved on with a totally different girl and now me and her are closer then ever cause in the end the guy left but she had my back. life is a crazy place and you have to have room for your crazy friends and then maybe a boy to :) follow your heart it always will take you to the right place. promise. GOOD LUCK


    Navy GF

  3. I'm going through ALMOST the same thing. First I would ask the guy if he even likes you like that. If yes, ask your friend hypothetcally if you two ever liked the same guy how she would ereact if he went for you instead of her. But use a little more tact than that. [:

  4. Honestly, if he does confess that he likes you, tell him that you will have to think about, talk to your friend about it, and tell her that you really like him and he likes you. I know from my own life that I have liked so many of the same guys that my friend has liked and not told her, and I have been really hurt when she goes on about him and has actually gone out with him a couple of times.  

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