
What do i do if my friends don't like me?

by  |  earlier

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I don't think my friends are actually my friends.

They don't invite me out with them, they don't accept my invitations out and they always leave me out of everything.

I've tried asking them about it, and they say 'They do like' me, but i'm still rejected form everything.

The hardest part of this is that these people are the only people i can actually stand, but i don't think they can stand me.

What do i do?




  1. sorry , but i wouldn't call them kind of people friends.

  2. there not real friends! If they wer they wouldnt be behaving like dat!meet nice true friends who will not make u feel good about yourself!

  3. They're not your friends..I think yoiu are more of a friend to them thenthey are to u..if this is the case, be civil, but chose to hang out withthem..dont bother asking them what they're doing..then a fter a while they'll realise how much of a good friend u truly were and talk to u properly again..Then the ball is in your court.

  4. how old ar u?

  5. just move on and find some new people to hang out with, life's too short.  

  6. babe why would you wan to be around peeps that are not nice to you? Be strong and move on

  7. They are not what call "friends", try and mix with other people and enjoy are only 15 you do not need this hassle...Good Luck

  8. if you are excluded then they are NOT your friends, if they refuse your invitations then they are NOT your friends. WHY are these people the only ones that you can stand , is it because they reject you and you desire to be alone? is it because you really don't like yourself and so associate with these people because they seem to agree with your opinion of yourself? it sounds as though you have low self esteem.Try a self defence class it should help you feel better about yourself. good luck..

  9. Yea, it does sound like that. Just find some new friends. They can still be in your phone book but keep them very distant. Don't tell them any secrets or let them know what hurts you. Friends can be really mean and two face so stay clear of that. You don't have to let them know your doing this, just do it slowly. A friend is someone that wants to hang out with you, not judge you, you can confine in, and is as s shoulder to cry on. Not friends when they want to be.

  10. well they clearly arent real freinds maybe try some new girls and even if you cant stand them maybe you will learn to like them..

  11. go out and make some new friends,you are at a nice age to do that,and give those so called friends the cod shoulder.

  12. Stop calling them friends because they clearly are not.

  13. The only answer is to start mixing with new people and find some new friends.

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