
What do i do if my rainbow shark is pregnant?

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What do i do if my rainbow shark is pregnant?




  1. if you only only have one rainbow shark in the tank, then it can't get pregnant(only full off eggs)

    If there is two in your tank, and one of them is fat them it may be full of eggs and if the other one is male, it will probbly start chasing it around to fertalise the eggs.

    If non of this is happening, it can't get pregnent, if this is hapening, i would suggest looking at websites or calling up your local aquarium.

  2. you seperate it from the other fish, get  aheater for it [25 degrees- 28 degrees] and leave it their ntil she give birth

    when she does give birth SEPERATE HER FROM THE BABYS!

    my mistake was i left her in their and she ate them, so take her out! they dont need her!

    BTW: for feeding i suggest ground up tropical flakes or finely chopped shrimp!

  3. rainbow shark ??

    just feed it. ( if guessing it's a shark?)

  4. Rainbow Shark eggs are fertilized externally, so they cannot get pregnant.  The chances of them spawning at all are VERY low, as these fish are EXTREMELY intolerant of their own species or anything that looks remotely like it.  If you even attempt keeping multiple Rainbow Sharks together, please use a 6 foot tank, and even then breeding is almost unheard of.  Just let it be-- it will absorb its eggs shortly, returning to normal size.

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