
What do i do if my srtiped corn snake keeps trying to bite me?

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What do i do if my srtiped corn snake keeps trying to bite me?




  1. the best thing you can do is next time you need to put your hand in your snakes tank is wear a rubber glove like the ones you use for washing up as snakes cant stand the taste of them and will learn really quickly not to bite again i have used this method many times with my various snakes and it has always worked a treat

  2. leave him alone for a while and come back later

  3. The first thing you do is tell us if it's striking, or biting.  There's a difference.  Is it grabbing and hanging on?  Or just hitting you quickly, and withdrawing back in an "s"?

    If it's striking; it's warning you.  You're scaring it, or mishandling it in someway.

    If it's grabbing and hanging on; it's hungry.

    How much are you feeding it, and how often?  Are you providing a  proper habitat?  Proper heat and humidity?

    I'll post a few links below, so you can be sure you're providing what the snakes needs.  Corns are diurnal, so they need UVB, too.

    Good luck, and I hope you find out what the snake is trying to tell you soon.

    Hope this has been helpful.

  4. Don't put your body near it's head.

  5. Just to anyone who is worried about being bitten by adult corns.. it is very rare, it doesn't really hurt (more shock), there may be a bit of blood, but when washed off the teeth marks are almost invisible.

  6. wear gloves  

  7. Rub your hands and arms down with rubbing alcohol before handling your snake.  Snakes really, really don't like the taste of the alcohol and will catch on quickly that biting isn't pleasant for them.  However, this means you will have to get bit a few times!  It will be a quick defensive bite probably though.  Just keep socializing with your snake and it should calm down.

  8. Leave it alone, I guess.

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