
What do i do if someone is bringing me down??? (revenge plot??)?

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K, I've been playing ice hockey for only 1 year and I've been able to get to rep, single B, actually which is quite amazing for an asian girl whose 13 and started late. (Because some people make fun of you for being a clutz or sucky, especially if you are asian and there are all whites around you) BTW< im not being racist or anything..

And so my coach, who owns a hockey school, asked me to be a CIT (hockey coach in training) and this girl is reallly pis*ing me off. Cuz shes been there for 5 years and its my first day there and im a CIT!!

So I think shes jealous because im better than her and thinks i suck. but she plays B too.

Shes being a real ***** and really rude.

I was also voted twice on the survivor game to move to another camp (out of about 30 kids) WHICH IS REALLY BAD cuz its only my first day !! omg!

So now, i told my coach i dont want to be a CIT and only continue to be a camper. Now: THe Revenge Plot...

Wut should i do for revenge ?(I know violence doesnt solve anything and i may be just as bad for getting back at her, but she deserves it)

**We have scrimmages for the last part of the day, maybe i can check her to the boards real hard??





  1. Be really nice to her as you continue to excel in ice hockey.  It will drive her crazy, and it also might earn you a friend who has some pull because your rival has been playing hockey for five full years.

    BTW, I don&#039;t think your Asian ethnicity has anything to do with the other girl not liking you.  She probably just sees you as new major competition.  Getting along with people who don&#039;t like you is part of becoming a successful adult.

  2. hey its not right for them to treat you that way, if i was in your postion i would kick there ***. nut sense you dont want violence, thats a good way to think cause you can get in a lot of trouble doing that, but try to ignore her or say some insults or comebacks back to her. and if she keeps pissing you off just tell the couch or your parents and they can solve it. but if you dnt want to do that then if she still does what shes doing now slap her in the face and say get a life. but its ok.  hope i helped.

  3. Just leave her alone it&#039;s her problem she&#039;s being that way. Don&#039;t be the bad person in this situation.

  4. I was wondering firstly, are you from Europe somewhere?

    Because this is posted in the royalty section

    If she&#039;s from a royal family, be really nice so you can mingle somewhat in her circle eventually--so someday you can marry a prince or close to it. Then that way you can just do some artsy stuff while all the maids clean up all day long and ya&#039;s won&#039;t have to cook.

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