
What do i do??? im so confused!!!?

by  |  earlier

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my best friend, we'll call her jane, told me a few months ago that she was bi and had a girlfriend. i was excited that she was bi because just a few weeks earlier i had discovered that i was bi too. but i didnt tell jane this because i didnt want her to think i wanted more out of our friendship. she and her ex-gf were close friends too but becuz of taking it to the next level they no longer talk to eachother. about 2 months ago i realized that i was in love with jane instead of just loving her as a friend. i havent told her that but yesterday on the phone i told her that i was bi and about my ex-gf that she never knew about. since then jane has been asking me alot about my ex who i will kall kate like what she looks like in "certain areas". she said shes jealous of kate but not sure if shes jealous of kate and i being really close friends or of us having been together. i know that im in love with jane but i dont know what to do if she decides that shes in love with me too because i dont want what happened with her and her ex to happen to us. i was thinking about just having the sexual part of the relationship with her instead of the emotional attachment as gf/gf. but i know its wrong to be in a relationship only for sexual reasons. i want her as a girlfriend and a best friend.




  1. ask her 2 b friends with benefits

  2. go striaght things are a lot less confussing

  3. ah situations like this are so want more with someone but you don't want to ruin a good friendship.

    im not L*****n or bi but i had this problem with a guy.  it's not totally relevant because of that but i think it's the same situation because it still deals with the fear of taking things to the next level. basically i really liked one of my really good friends, this guy, and i was so afraid of taking the risk of hurting our friendship by telling him that i liked him.  finally i couldnt take it anymore, so i told him, and he didn't like me back.  however, he was totally fine with me liking him, things aren't awkward at all, we're still great friends, and he said he was glad i told him my feelings.  if anything, it made our friendship stronger.

    basically i think the message here is that if someone is really your friend, and if they really care about you, it will take a lot more to damage your friendship that you expressing romantic feelings.  true friends will appreciate your honesty and won't get weirded out by your attraction.  

    i say, go for it.  tell her how you feel.  you can't keep your feelings locked away forever, it will only eat you up inside.  the risk is scary, but hey, it might be worth it! how do you know something wonderful can't come out of a romantic relationship with your friend? for all you know, she's in love with you to, and for all you know, it can become something beautiful.  

    potential love is worth the risk.  if it feels right, if it's bugging you to do it, and you won't feel right until you act on your feelings, it's because it probably is the right thing to do.  the doubt is simply human nature, common fear.

    go for it, good luck, and i hope everything turns out well! =D!

    Peace and love =]

    p.s. bertha what the **** is your problem? you want to talk about ****, you're the piece of ****.  go **** up someone else's post, cuz we don't wanna hear it.

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